

The Freeman
Aug 2, 2007
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**** Yeah! For the second year running I have had my leg ****ed over by the scout camp I work at.

So I'm walking down to the shower-house because staff showers are a disaster, and I feel this pin-prick in my ankle. Then I hear a hiss and look down and see a MOTHER****ING GOD-DAMN SNAKE SLITHERING AWAY!

So yeah, I went to the hospital and now I'm back home.

If this ****s over my plans to go to Philmont yet again, I'll be forced to decide that it is divine intervention that prevents me going there.

Pics to follow.
You should quit getting all up in their business. They ask you to step down, but just don't listen to them until it's too late. Not their fault!

Glad you're okay though. Violent reactions to snake bites, even with all the medical help and anti-venom in the world can be downright deadly.
Sucks man, but still, it's a good story. (the snake bit I mean) least in NZ where there are no snakes :(
Shit, I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

I hope all goes well. D: