Snapping off Xaser III 5.25" bay covers? guinny u do it?


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Is this what I'm supposed to do? I've got the case and there is metal grating covering the bays seemingly molded into the case. The only way I can see is to bend them in and snap them off, but this seems so crude a task for something thats going to be the shell for such a modern piece of equipment. guinny, is this what you had to do or what?

Oh and I did an initial test run wiring up the thing. I should be able to do the hardcano thing. its just about geting creative to hide the 50 million wires in the case.
yes, twist them sorta. like spin them until the ends twist off. i was worried @ first too lol. dont be afraid young grasshopper.
guinny said:
yes, twist them sorta. like spin them until the ends twist off. i was worried @ first too lol. dont be afraid young grasshopper.

Is it really quicker to type "@" than "at"? :D
lol no, i just think it looks cool

what are u getting @?