Sniffing Boogers

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The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Well, I woke up so my nose was packed with boogers, I took a big breath in through my nose and I inhaled a booger, I can't seem to blow it out. I hope the booger isn't sitting on my brain.
Put water into your nose. It'll clear everything up nicely.

Gross topic by the way. Maybe the next one will be called eating boogers.
use the force with your tonsils and absorb the booger into your bloodstream
evil^milk said:
use the force with your tonsils and absorb the booger into your bloodstream
No, no, no, no, I usually snort my mucus/boogers in my throat to swallow on purpose, but this was involuntary, I just breathed and the booger went back, it didn't go in my throat. It went somewhere else.
stick your finger up your nose till you reach slimy stuff, or you cant see your whole finger anymore
Then make all sorts of strange gesticulations with your throat, for example, the classic "hawk-n-spit" (dunno if that's the official name)
Come on Dog, be a man. Take a deep breath and blow the little ****er out.
Just reach up your ass, through your small and large intestine, through your stomach, and push the thing back out of your nose.

Alternately, you could just blow your f*cking nose, you lazy little shit :D
Snort some crack, it will eat away at the boogar.
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