Snipers good for the squad?

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
The sniper has a perfect role in a squad. He fits as the squad leader. The squad leader is meant to stay back, and as a sniper he can point out targets and stay out of harms way for his squad to keep spawning on him. This sure beats everyone rush towards the base over and over and hope the medics can revive in time.
i think it helps to have the squad leader out front. A fitting class in my opinion would be a medic
I agree Glirk, although any defensive class (AT, Sniper, Engineer) works fine too. Really depends on the map. For instance, Kankard (my favorite map) is something that really requires alot of grenade tossing and ground vehicles, so a squad leader as either support or engineer works well. Either way, the squad leader should never be too far behind his squad, and his squad should work well to prevent his demise
best class for a squad leader? from my mediocre experience I would have to say Support.

great armor, unlimited ammo, suppresses enemy as your squad moves up.

medics are a bad decision for squad leader, Medics are meant to throw themselves into the line of fire to revive their comrades... seeing as you are a mobile spawn this is arbitrary (and will just end up with you getting killed trying to revive a teammate that could have spawned on you instead)
it does seem like the right logical role, but consider that medics have no body armor, and as I mentioned before serve a specific purpous, it's just not efficient in the greater scheme of things, squad members always make better medics.

however nothing is stopping you from grabbing a fallen enemy's/friendly's medic kit and reviving on the fly, hell I do it ALL the time.... just try not to do it when under heavy fire, clear the area first.

Support, trust me. whatever class your squad chooses, you will be there to support them both with firepower and ammo.
sniper is useless, great for spotting units, great for soloing/lone wolfing.... but honestly if I saw our squad leader as a sniper I would (and have) join another squad.

squad leaders need to stay back, not THAT far back. also they are worthless in close range combat (where most of the action takes place).
Nice idea although what if someone came from behind? Being that far back you would die quick and alone. Doubt your team would notice you missing for a little bit too. This is the first thing that came into my mind because I often come up behind people (knife is always fun too) when they are attacking another squad.
Asus said:
Nice idea although what if someone came from behind? Being that far back you would die quick and alone. Doubt your team would notice you missing for a little bit too.
if you are a squad leader, and your team doesn't notice you are missing... you're doing something wrong :P

I would rather lead my guys on a charge, die and take a spawn (maybe my medic revives me, maybe not) then sit back and get stabbed in the back.
however Ideally we would just nab some Armor and roll over the opposition.
I agree with the squad leader being a sniper, as your troops that spawn in move forward the sniper can get into better positions to defend the squad leader spawn.
Sniper is handy, was being a sniper today in a small 16 player map game, alot of the time I was camping ontop of roofs but aside from killing troops, I was also spotting tanks/jeeps, etc etc, for my teammates.

Best classes for leader I would say assault (all around goodness) or surpport (Good health or somthing I think).
the best class for squad leader is subjective imo, be whatever you want, it's how you play your class that determines if you are a good leader or not. not what class you choose