So, Anybody play Ninja Gaiden yet?


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering if anybody has played this game yet. Is it just A prince of persia with a ninja? Looks good, it got a 9.5 at IGN. Anybody have any opnions on it? Even though I havn't played it, it seems like a Prince of Persia, have the wall run and run up wall and do a flip. I could definitly be wrong and it could rock.
I think it is more combat oriented than PoP.
It looks like it's a lot more combat oriented than PoP...but if it's anything like PoP it should kick ass. I really liked PoP and I plan to get Ninja Gaiden in the next couple weeks.

I've watched videos for it and read the reviews..and the reader reviews..and I think I'll like it a lot.
I've played Ninja Gaiden. Wow. It is definitely worth the buy. The controls are intuitive and very fluid. The gameplay will never bore you and the game AI is tough but not too hard. The visuals are quite good as well. I view Ninja Gaiden to be one of the Xbox's greatest games ever.
Comes out in the UK in a month :hmph:

Will be sure to buy it, though.
IT'S F*CKING AWESOME!!!1 I had it pre-ordered and picked it up last night. Personally, it's the best XBOX (possibly best out of all) game that I've played in my life. It's really that good.
its so fsecking hard ): im stuck on this boss and its pissing me the FFUFFFFUFUUFUFUFUFUFUOOOOOOOK off.............. i may smash teh controllar! anywho good game just frustrated out my arse :rolling:
Which boss are you stuck on, headcrab? :) I just beat the giant-ass skeleton dinosaur boss and the pink lady Greater Fiend that smashes through the stained glass windows (I won't say what her name is, 'cause it could spoil it for some *POSSIBLY*)!
its this ugly demon guy that has a giant spear and rides a fat armored horse on a bridge and mages are warping around trying to kill you all the while :frown: im so stuck on him
i cant play it... it's on X-SUX! ... like Halo 2 will be... :(... I MUST FIND OUT IF MASTER CHEIF SAVES TEH EARTH!!!
NG iz da roxorz!!1!1!!!1

I just got the game yesterday night. I played through the first level up to the boss and got my ass handed to me. Then this morning I booted it up and tried to take him on again and again. Long story short, I was about to take the game back because I thought it was too hard (which is why I got the game in the first place), but I went online and read gamespot's game guide. In it they told that you have to constantly block, or you'll get raped by everyone, which is true. So I restarted my game and played through the first level as they said, and not only did it make the game much more fun, I also was kick everyone's ass. The joy of the game for me is that you have to know just when to stop blocking and start giving it to your enemies Pulp Fiction style (the basement scene). It's the game that I really hoped that it was going to be, and in my opinion it's one of the first games to break the 2D to 3D barrier. In this game you actually have to develop a certain amount of skill or you're just going to keep getting raped by the comp. I give this game a 9.5, which is very high in my standards. To me there will never be a perfect 10 game, because if a game is "perfect" that means that I would quit my job so that I would never have to stop playing it. Basically it would be like crack, but digital. For some people this game has been around for a while (Everquest), but I don't believe I will ever find it. So for me to give a game 9.5 means that I would be willing to miss a few days of work to stay home and beat it (which I am considering at the moment). If you own a X-BOX then you need to play this game. Stop reading this and go play this game. If you have a mod-chip then DL off of IRC and play it. Whatever you need to do, do it. This game rocks. On a side note, if you're used to super easy games and get frustrated when you can't beat every boss on the first or second try, then suck it up and learn to love getting killed. Sorry for the long post, but NG deserves it.
Great game, but I favor Devil May Cry 1 and Prince of Persia over NG, but good none-the-less
is a great game!(but I hav played a litle)

one thing of the game is that is very similiar to Devil may cry 1(I dont know if this has posted before)
so is you like Devil may cry 1(like me) you will like ninja gaiden
cuz is very similiar in the style: run overthere,fight,fight,fight,big jumps and agility,fight,fight and fight
is a good game,deserve its 9.5 ranking
I've seen the Gamespot gameplay vids of it. I can tell you--it looks awesome. These games are my favourite 3rd person games. It's kinda like Prince of Persia which is another great game. LucasArts could learn a thing or two from this game especially for a Jedi game.
Oh man, believe me guys, if you have an XBOX you've gotta' f^ckin' buy this game guys. And I donno' why you guys say it's so incredibly hard? I mean, yeah it's tough... but you make it sound impossible, lol!

BTW - I just beat it on the HARD difficulty 3 nights ago... now that was f0ckin' challenging, let me tell you! :D
I'm borrowing it from a friend right now. I'm on chapter 9. Some of it has been a bit hard, but nothing a trip to the shop statues doesn't fix. I personally favor DMC1 as well. Dante was way more badass and that game was a lot harder. I only wish DMC2 didn't suck so bad.

I'll never forget the move I worked out in DMC1 - Rising slash I jump up with them, put a few pistol rounds into the bad guy, do a wall jump off the guy's chest, and do the downward slash as the bad guy falls to the ground. It never got me a good style rating..but damn did it look cool.