So, anyone look into the AI code yet?


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Just wondering if anyone's looked into it, and made heads and tails of it yet.

I was wondering if Valve's AI is really up to snuff to what they said it was.

It seems it is in game, but that it's also very buggy and has a hard time deciding what to do.

so is there stuff in there for trying door that are barricaded, ect?

just wondering how well they did with it
Just from looking at the solution in VS, I can tell you that there are between 50-100 files that make up the AI. I'm not touchin' that with a 12-foot crowbar.
The marines knocking down a barricaded door that valve showed off at E3 last year was found out to be a scripted sequence when the alpha got leaked & people got to play those maps for themselves.

I doubt any of the ai is too complicated, theres just a lot of it ;)
I've taken a quick precursory glimpse into the AI, mainly to see why the Stalker always crashes. It turns out it's a problem with the model, which is odd.
But, yeah, there's some crazy stuff in that there AI code.

-Angry Lawyer
well funny thing is ingame 1/2 the time i can block a door and it works, the other half the time it dosn't... maybe the AI just won't go thru it now or then, but i have blocked doors before...
Mercior said:
The marines knocking down a barricaded door that valve showed off at E3 last year was found out to be a scripted sequence when the alpha got leaked & people got to play those maps for themselves.

I doubt a

ny of the ai is too complicated, theres just a lot of it ;)

traptown wasn`t in the leak or am I mistaken?
It was, but as far as i kow the leak was pre-E3, as nothing in it worked right, and much of the scripts wern't finished or were broken.
the first e3 video was from the Proof-of-concept reel. Not actual game mechanics, but scripted.

And there's nothing wrong with that!
Dwaggy said:
the first e3 video was from the Proof-of-concept reel. Not actual game mechanics, but scripted.

And there's nothing wrong with that!
just don't say when presenting the sequence that it's not scripted