So horrible - cat owners stay away !


May 25, 2003
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When I went out to see the memorial day parade on my neighborhood, some guy driving his car hit a cat and kept on driving. It was a little tiny kitten :( The cat was spazing out on the ground and flopping around before we left the area. I'm not sure what happened to it. It makes me feel sad thinking that it may have been someone's pet and the guy didn't even stop after he hit it (and I'm sure he knows that he hit it).
That's terrible!
It's douchebags like that, that probably killed my cat :(
2 of my cats have gone missing in recent years.. im sure that happened to them :(.

mind another cat of mine went missing for 2 years.. and amazingly came back to us.
*despite warning entered thread, regrets it, feels sick, and presses back button*

****er ;(
It is morons like that that make me sick and make this world a far worse place.

You should of really gone over to it to see how badly injured it was and then taken it to a local vet.
KoreBolteR said:
mind another cat of mine went missing for 2 years.. and amazingly came back to us.

Wow, that would have been an unexpected suprise.
yeah it shouldn't have been on the road...

shit happens unfortunately, i once accidentally fed panadols to seagulls....and they didn't live.
I hit a cat 3 nights ago, ****in thing cracked my front bumper, im actually glad its dead. retribution. $500 bumper > $5 cat
xLostx said:
I hit a cat 3 nights ago, ****in thing cracked my front bumper, im actually glad its dead. retribution. $500 bumper > $5 cat

Aw your poor inanimate, unliving, unfeeling car...
xLostx said:
I hit a cat 3 nights ago, ****in thing cracked my front bumper, im actually glad its dead. retribution. $500 bumper > $5 cat
Is it bad I actually laughed at this?
Razor said:
It is morons like that that make me sick and make this world a far worse place.

You should of really gone over to it to see how badly injured it was and then taken it to a local vet.
Yeah. Gj on just leaving it there.
Razor said:
You should of really gone over to it to see how badly injured it was and then taken it to a local vet.
Let me get this straight. You want me to pull over, endangering myself and other drivers, get out of the car, walk into the street, see if the cat is alright. If it is, you want me to go to the "local vet" and spend 1000 dollars to get some strangers cat fixed? I bet if the cat is dead when I prance into oncoming traffic you want me to give it the last rights right then and there and give him a good christian burial. Come ON. I hate cats anyway, they just shit all over the carpet and puke their gross ass hairballs.
Harryz said:
Wow, that would have been an unexpected suprise.

yeah i could not believe it..

ran straight upstairs to look at all old photos to see if it was the same cat :p.

wonder where she went for 2 years.. baffles me too this day.

she is 15 years old now.
gh0st said:
Let me get this straight. You want me to pull over, endangering myself and other drivers, get out of the car, walk into the street, see if the cat is alright. If it is, you want me to go to the "local vet" and spend 1000 dollars to get some strangers cat fixed?

Thats what I would do, apart from the whole parking in the middle of the road and blindly run into traffic.
Ritz said:
Thats what I would do, apart from the whole parking in the middle of the road and blindly run into traffic.
I said pull over. How else would you make sure the precious kitty cat is alright unless you run into the street and check? I get the feeling there would be a Ritz shaped hole int he wall once the vet handed you your bill.
gh0st said:
I said pull over. How else would you make sure the precious kitty cat is alright unless you run into the street and check? I get the feeling there would be a Ritz shaped hole int he wall once the vet handed you your bill.

You take the cat to the vet, once there you look for tags or a collor with the owners name or address on it, if you find the owner tell them what happaned and that you have taken them to the vets, they should come over the pay the bill.

If there is no owner found, or the owner doesnt want to pay, I would pay the bill because Im not a heartless little shit.
I hit a cat a few weeks ago. It ran into the middle of the road, I slammed on the brakes, but it wasn't fast enough.

Heh, I flipped out and knocked on everybody's door. Someone told me it was a stray. I still couldn't sleep that night.
gh0st said:
Let me get this straight. You want me to pull over, endangering myself and other drivers, get out of the car, walk into the street, see if the cat is alright. If it is, you want me to go to the "local vet" and spend 1000 dollars to get some strangers cat fixed? I bet if the cat is dead when I prance into oncoming traffic you want me to give it the last rights right then and there and give him a good christian burial. Come ON. I hate cats anyway, they just shit all over the carpet and puke their gross ass hairballs.
was he talking to you?
One of my cats was run over about a month, under a year old, but it didnt hurt, the car tire hit him right in the neck, so he wouldnt of felt a thing as it was way to quick. The driver did the same and went knocking on doors till someone said to come to my house, nice guy, I didnt get to friendly though as he did kinda just kill my cat -.-.
Ritz said:
One of my cats was run over about a month, under a year old, but it didnt hurt, the car tire hit him right in the neck, so he wouldnt of felt a thing as it was way to quick. The driver did the same and went knocking on doors till someone said to come to my house, nice guy, I didnt get to friendly though as he did kinda just kill my cat -.-.

sorry to hear that Ritz :/
Ritz said:
One of my cats was run over about a month, under a year old, but it didnt hurt, the car tire hit him right in the neck, so he wouldnt of felt a thing as it was way to quick. The driver did the same and went knocking on doors till someone said to come to my house, nice guy, I didnt get to friendly though as he did kinda just kill my cat -.-.

Sucks, doubt I'd be able to face someone after killing their cat. I mean what do you say? Oops?
gh0st said:
Let me get this straight. You want me to pull over

OMG gh0st hit teh cat!

As for paying for the fee, well, Ritz, if you've got that kindof money to chuck around, hats off to ya. But I would definitely have stopped. 'Endangering myself and other drivers'... you've gotta be shitting me. You shouldn't be in a car if you can't pull off that kindof manouver quickly and safely.
Reaktor4 said:
was he talking to you?
Did it make a difference?
'Endangering myself and other drivers'... you've gotta be shitting me. You shouldn't be in a car if you can't pull off that kindof manouver quickly and safely.
You dolt. You dont just pull over in the middle of traffic, and run out into the street to see if a ****ing cat of all things is alright - thats just ****ing stupid. Thats something you learn from the beginning of drivers ed. In addition its just common ****ing sense.

Would you run into a parade and check? I mean christ.
jondyfun said:
OMG gh0st hit teh cat!

As for paying for the fee, well, Ritz, if you've got that kindof money to chuck around, hats off to ya. But I would definitely have stopped. 'Endangering myself and other drivers'... you've gotta be shitting me. You shouldn't be in a car if you can't pull off that kindof manouver quickly and safely.

I dont have that kind of cash to throw around, but if we are talking about a living thing, Id just have to.

SimonomiS, he said what anyone would of said, sorry and if theres anything he could do, just said no and he left.
gh0st said:
You dolt. You dont just pull over in the middle of traffic, and run out into the street to see if a ****ing cat of all things is alright - thats just ****ing stupid. Thats something you learn from the beginning of drivers ed. In addition its just common ****ing sense.

I drive. Don't even think about criticising the way I do stuff on the road, I passed my test first time and haven't had anything on my licence since the day I got it. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the suburban/city streets you are likely to be driving on when encountering these kindof hazards shouldn't be moving above 30/40 mph, and there is more than likely going to be a place to pull over safely without inconveniencing others. What happens when ou hit a child?

This is about your ethics, not my driving.
jondyfun said:
I drive. Don't even think about criticising the way I do stuff on the road, I passed my test first time and haven't had anything on my licence since the day I got it.
Oops I just did :eek: hopefully when youre in the emergency room with a tube in your cock and that stupid cat is in about the same prediciment, praying for a swift death, you will remember the wisdom of gh0st on the internet. But congratulations on driving :p
This is about your ethics, not my driving.
My ethics dont entail knee-jerk reactions where I run into the street to play superman, cause no cat is worth your or any other humans life.
gh0st said:
Oops I just did :eek: hopefully when youre in the emergency room with a tube in your cock and that stupid cat is in about the same prediciment, praying for a swift death, you will remember the wisdom of gh0st on the internet. But congratulations on driving :p

HAHA!! way to scare him though
Hmph, read my edit, but if you really don't give a damn, then we'll just have to agree to disagree :rolleyes:
jondyfun said:
Hmph, read my edit, but if you really don't give a damn, then we'll just have to agree to disagree :rolleyes:
A child is different because its not a worthless animal that shits all over the place. Well it is, but at least it wont be after a couple years. The point is, you have weigh whether or not saving (potentially) whatever is plastered to the pavement is worth your life. If it is, then go for it and good luck. If its not welcome to reality. A bird flew into my bumper once trying to avoid another car. Did I pull over in a busy intersection and give it mouth to mouth? **** no! I understand if its like a dusty country road or something and you hit a moose you'd want to get out and check it out, but there are few situations where it makes sense to get out of your car on the streets. There is a reason you dont have pedestrians running around in the street.