So I bought Joint Ops


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I recently bought Joint Operations : Typoon Rising and it's actually remarkable in it's scale, the problem is I find myself trying to find combat more then actually fighting and when I do I dont usually know exactly how to approach them D: so I was wondering if anyone elese on the forums has the game and if they will play with me (post xfire names here if you wana play) I needed somthing to hold me over until hl2 came out and this seemed suitable. I wish I didn't have severe a.d.d. and nearly fall asleep every time I need to wait a few seconds to arrive in the combat base areas. I guess it is sort-of a gameplay flaw but it also might be that I lack patience and coordination in my approach. Anyways anyone willing to play with me and show me the ropes would be greatly appreciated.

-bhc :( :hmph: :smoking:
I wish I didn't have severe a.d.d. and nearly fall asleep every time I need to wait a few seconds to arrive in the combat base areas.

heheh :laugh:
Yeh, d00d. I'm buying the game tomorrow. I was just playing the demo, and yes, it does require some patience. But there are dull momoents where it is key to whip out your revolver/pistol and run across to a vantage point to sniping. I dunno if I like the demo map too much... but it is still fun. Yeh, I'll play when I get the game tomorrow ;)

My buddy is patient and alert

It's released!?!?! according to play it will be released tomorrow, so i'll prolly get it monday or tuesday.
What the, released?

Hope it'll be released in sweden at the same timel, damn
Hey BabyHeadCrab, could you post some screens of Joint Ops in action?

I'd like to see the finished product wih the new maps and stuff.

Thanks if you can. :cheers:
i was thinking about getting it, but there are so many games out right now that i want, i can decide what to get.
goldenboi said:

And aiming at a team-mate :p

A lot of teamwork is needed for the game to work and be fun, and i haven't seen too much teamwork on servers for the beta + the demo (lots of people flying off in helis on their own etc.). It is a lot of fun when it works though, loads of things going on at once which is cool!

I may purchase this after my exams :)
So, the people who have does it run compared with the demo ?
simmo said:
So, the people who have does it run compared with the demo ?

smoother in most cases, il get some screens to post next time I play :D
dude I dont care about sshots...I want a review, impressions anything! Is it worth buying or is it another bf1942 with prettier graphics?
I graphics are about par with Battlefield Vietnam except with more Shader use and just generally more beutiful enviorment graphics. The maps are bar none the most massive and beutiful maps i've seen in any multiplayer shooter. Playing with 150 players is truly a experience like none other I have experience on my computer. Fireing teams are usually required in order not to waste all time on the move only to die when you arrive at the "hot spots". The game hardly sufferes from any type of lag except occasionally in the 100 or above player servers at the conflict points. I really dont know why it is constantly compared to bf1942 as it seems to be another category all in it's own. The scale seperates it from all the compitition so far. Seeing literally an "army" on each side is somthing that had me in awe. The cross island battles remind me sometimes of Planetside because of the massive scale of things. I recommend this game to anyone with patience for a game that can at times frustrate you but is truly impressive and fun if you work as a team.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I graphics are about par with Battlefield Vietnam except with more Shader use and just generally more beutiful enviorment graphics. The maps are bar none the most massive and beutiful maps i've seen in any multiplayer shooter. Playing with 150 players is truly a experience like none other I have experience on my computer. Fireing teams are usually required in order not to waste all time on the move only to die when you arrive at the "hot spots". The game hardly sufferes from any type of lag except occasionally in the 100 or above player servers at the conflict points. I really dont know why it is constantly compared to bf1942 as it seems to be another category all in it's own. The scale seperates it from all the compitition so far. Seeing literally an "army" on each side is somthing that had me in awe. The cross island battles remind me sometimes of Planetside because of the massive scale of things. I recommend this game to anyone with patience for a game that can at times frustrate you but is truly impressive and fun if you work as a team.
cool, i might have to get it then :). and the fact that i dont have ADD, probably helps my patience :P
thanks, Headcrab

what did you find frustrating about it? I guess there's no single player, is there a training mode? I heard there's co-op
I was just playing the demo on the Terrorist side, and then I run into like 5 marines... I'm like oh snap! So I pump some lead and they're still moving. They starting yelling taunts, it was kind a creepy. They were moving their legs, too. Check it here

my frustration with it lied in the fact that getting to the battle takes coordination a sense of direction and tactics and patience. All of which I most of the time lack :P

but it's still agood game, especially for more coordinated people

there is a training mode yes, with a couple of really fun defend/offense scenarios (on one map for each only though) a single player "skirmish" game type would have been cool (i.e. bf1942) but oh well. The training can get you into the swing of things pretty well though (im too lazy to do them all though :P)

dont know about co-op havn't played any yet

choosing which character skin to use is also alot of fun (with lots of special forces devisions etc. to choose from (im a sniper with a ghillie thing on) reading the classes in the manual was actually alot of fun for me. Also the scenario is ALL that unrealistic meaning it dosnt take away from the gameplay in anyway because it IS plausible.
IGN posted a review of it here, giving it a 7.6, and frankly everything they said are right.
The combat's few and far in between, vehicles are vulnerable as hell, and snipers are overpowered and unrealistic.
Plus, there's a nasty bug that doesn't update wavpoints, sometimes making it impossible to win. And there's your share of floating jeeps and surviving a fall from a helicoptor. And frankly, the auto-team's annoying. Sure it's fair, but sometimes I feel like playing a team.
Not worth a buy imo, and it's far from a Battlefield killer until they fix those things.
However, if you got the machine, those are some nice graphics and HUGE maps. Oh, did I mention 150 players? Yeah, 1-5-0!
I agree with the IGN review as well, Damn... Well i'm still going to try to make some fun of the purchase

EDIT: Remind me to read reviews PRIOR to purchasing games next time :sleep: ;(

I wish I could say it was as good as BF:VIETNAM but it's really, really not. Nam owns it and IGN specifies exactly why
I like the game for different reasons though. It is good for sniping / realism etc. while battlefield is better for instant action type stuff.
I downloaded the latest demo last night (new map) and was disappointed by how many bugs there were: graphic artifacts (could be driver issue), underwhelming performance on my fast pc, constant lag, floating jeeps, skins changing colour, textures disappearing. It was fun despite these issues but after awhile they started to become increasingly annoying
CptStern said:
I downloaded the latest demo last night (new map) and was disappointed by how many bugs there were: graphic artifacts (could be driver issue), underwhelming performance on my fast pc, constant lag, floating jeeps, skins changing colour, textures disappearing. It was fun despite these issues but after awhile they started to become increasingly annoying

I've never had any of those problems, I think its a problem with your pc.

Also the IGN review, the guy who wrote it seems to suck, In a one hour game I usually die about 13 times, which is less the in one 30min round of CS. People can't play JO like they play BF or CS. It's much more realistic. And snipers AREN'T that hard to kill.
I was just watching The Screensaves on G4TechTV and they were playing Joint Ops.
I've been playing the demo. I've previously played both Delta Force Games by Novalogic, and like with this game, their engine is 'unoptimised' to say the least. It's pretty much the same gameplay wise as the Delta Force games, though the Multiplayer option is better than the single player which featured heavily in the DF 1&2.
im sorry
but what a waste of money
some of the team king of the hill maps are simply awesome to say the least.
I hope the full game is better than the demo (bland graphics even on highest settings (and it's not my PC), inconsistent vehicles models (some great, some awful), rubbish helicopter flying controls, wooden weapons, clunky spawning/weapon selection inteface, etc).
I guess Jo is one of them games you either love or hate. I have only played the demo but I would have to put it in the love section for me. I was ready to dislike it after having read some negative things about it, and for the first 15 min I did. I only downloaded it cause I was really bored. But after getting the feel for the game and some kills I was really digging it.
I was playing a lot of BFV and I liked it but I soon got bored with it. I dont see that happening with Jo. It does has some problems that need fixing but thats pretty much 100 percent of the games released now a days.
My advice to anyone giving the demo a try is to keep an open mind and give the game a chance. Dont listen to what other people say thats including me. Make up your own mind.
Been playing this game non stop for the last 3 days and I must say I love it.
I played the demo 2 and it doesnt do the full game justice.
There are a few problems that need sorting, like collision detection on the vehicles and they need 2 improve the heli's physics.
But apart from that this is the best game iv played this year (and iv played a few).
The dev team (novalogic) are spot on with thier support 2 they have released 4 patchs allready 2 help fix little buggs. not like some other dev teams (cough EA cough EA).

No other game have I seen battles on the scale this game has... EPIC
This game just fell through my letterbox, i really enjoyed the demo :D

I just did the stinger tutorial, i like the smoke vision blur effect they have put in!

Anyhoo, i'll be playing it later so i may see some of you on it!
Here's som ingame shot iv taken -

It plays a lot worse (as in performance) online, but there is usually a 100-player battle going on so your connection would take a hammering
I played the demo, and was quite impressed, but I'm not sure i'll be buying it, even with the positive feedback. There a are lot of other games I'm saving my money for.
I bought it, got it home yesterday, and I like it!
MaxiKana said:
I bought it, got it home yesterday, and I like it!

I give that rating a 1 out of a possible 10 stars. :) Details man, it's all in the details
I got this a 2 week ago i think it was, but i havent been playing it at all, mostly becuase it runs like total crap online, i have a old videocard, but it worked fine on the single player tutorials, i got about 20 something fps. My brother let me borrow his 9700 to see if it was any better online, and i got like 5 more fps, which was a total of 17 fps at the highest, but during battles it still dropped to below 10. Though, the game is very fun when you arent getting 2 fps, once they fix this problem (and yes, it is a problem becuase a lot of people are haveing it, its not becuase of my computer) ill be playing this game a lot.