so i finally got a new one...


Dec 28, 2005
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I've been wanting a new graphics card to hold me for a little while till dx 10 comes out so i can play some of the newer games comeing how this holiday season, even it it will be at low resolutions... I just got a Radeon X1600 Pro AGP
512Mb DDR2. I know agp is just about out, but i dont have the money to upgrade my whole pc at the moment and dont plan on doing so untill dx10 comes out.. think that will hold me till then?
I have an X800 and I can do medium and over on most of the latest games, so I'm sure an X1600 will do you fine.
i sure hope so, i just spen $200 something on it. i just need to get my prosessor overclocked, and get rid of background processes and such and I'll be good for a while.
cool, thats a decent midrange video card.....have fun with it!
i dont know if any of you remember but I've posted a harware problem in the past regarding a delema between my gpu and cpu, the problem was that i was trying to re-overclock my cpu because some how the bios and cmos had become reset but when over clocked the gpu would not function correctly, my thought was that when the cpu was overclocked the agp was not getting enough power to funtion correctly, this new card solved that problem becuase it not only pulls power from the agp slot but the psu directly ( however when installing the new card i saw that my old card was not completely pushed in all they was so that the clip holding it on was not clamped down all the way making me think now that that could have been my problem ) Im all happy now cuz my crappy rig is now slightly upgraded and with some OS tweaks it will up there playing new games at decent levels. :D yay
I too am waiting for Vista and the DX10 come around into town. Then, I am going to do the ultimate upgrade.
i wanna do the same, not to hyped up about vista though, i hate that the OS cost so damn much... maybe i can just get a copy from a friend of mine, if he ever gets one. He gave me a copy of Xp pro that is how do i say... for a gov. facility... more or less. its got some stuff droped, install is shorter and is more secure. some simple stuff like that.