So I inserted 512 mb stick RAM


May 23, 2004
Reaction score
After some hard 30 min I finally got my RAM in, a 512 mb stick. But do I have to do something now to install ram? or nothing? It shows in my properties that I have 1 gb RAM but still.

Allso I haven't noticed a preformance boost in Farcry or anywhere else, at the beginning of the game when you look at the beach for the first time and look around, I still get the crappy 15-35 fps on max settings on res 1024x768 on this system:

Now: 1024 mb RAM
X800 XT PE
3.06 Ghz

It just doesn't feel right, I don't think I have installed the 512 mb RAM stick yet.

please help!
no its automatic

EDIT do a search for sypware and viruses, you right about that not be normal. Look at the start up screen when you first turn on your computer, also look at System in the Control Panel. Oh and make sure that RAM was compatiable.
ok but can anyone explain me the crappy fps in Farcry? it just makes me pissed
If your getting that FPS with that system on those settings you have problems else where.
Ok I know that my ram is right since I checked my current ram and bought the same. Allso this happens only when running Farcry, I play for some minutes after that I get a black screen but I hear sounds and need to restart comp.

What can be the problem?

Note: At the begining where you begin inside I get what I should get 60-120 fps but when I enter the outdoor area I get crappy fps.
Are you using an up to date motherboard? Is your system getting heated properly? What kind of processor is it anyway? Once again, look for an onlibe virus and spyware cheker. Oh ans have you got anything running at the same time? It your PC serving a network?
Nex321 said:
Ok I know that my ram is right since I checked my current ram and bought the same. Allso this happens only when running Farcry, I play for some minutes after that I get a black screen but I hear sounds and need to restart comp.

What can be the problem?

Note: At the begining where you begin inside I get what I should get 60-120 fps but when I enter the outdoor area I get crappy fps.

In that case reinstall. The files of the game may be corrupted, perhaps by a virus. Is your hard drive new? Did u get your far cry by any chance from some gypsie selling geeeen-u-ine games at rock bottom prices?
Everything is old except 512 mb RAM and X800 XT PE. I had 9700 NP before and never had that problem with Farcry.

Allso my psu is only 220w......could that be it? (but why does it happen only with Farcry?)

I'll try to re-install Farcry and see how it goes.
That PSU does sound a bit weedy given your new card.. I know the x800 XT isnt the power hungry monster the 6800 Ultra is but its still needs a fairly good PSU.
I hope this doesnt happen to me, im getting another 512mb stick of ram over the weekend.

Also im kinda unsure how to open up my case, should i just unscrew the back and remove that? or is there a better way where i wont mess up anything.
:eek: Did you uninstall your old vid cards drivers before you installed the new ones... I didn't do that and it fuxt me up!
is there usually anything attatched to to the back like part of the mobo which would not let me take off the back? Any other complications?

And i do have a side window where i can clearly see where i need to insert the ram but the screws holding the window on have no ridges in them for a i really have to take off the back dont i?
Does Far Cry usually run smoothly on other ATI cards?
Ok I reinstalled it no more black screen but same fps......

I didn't uninstall the old drivers since it was my last card was an ati card, am I supposed to uninstall them? How do I do that?

My AGP is x4
Allso here is info of my RAM: Samsung pc2700 (333mhz) 2.5-3-3-7

If I'm not wrong I should be getting an avarenge of 80 fps, right? Well I really want to have that much :(
Haha new PSU NOW!!!!!

I'll bet 50$ your cpu and GPU arnt getting enough power, so they cant kick into high gear.

upgrade asap.
Btw how do I check that my ram is working as it should?
Well thats my guess, Is you dont got enough power.

Rule of thumb, high end CPU, sucks 100 watts, high end GPU, sucks 100 watts.

Leaves you with 20, assuming your PSU is perfect.

So yeah my guess is not enough power.
Get a new PSU, a brand name 350W, cheap and good. Check out Antec maybe, or look for a PSU roundup review.
That's also my guess, you PSU may not be powerfull enough to handle such a nice GFX card :) I'd buy a 350W Antec PSU.
Ok, you should really get a better PSU. 220 watts just isn't going to cut it anymore these days.
Go for a good 480 or even 500+ watt one from (Cheap, reliable, and nifty)
B.Calhoun said:
How do i check how man ywatts of power i have?
BUMPED.....sorry for taking over the thread lol, but i want to know how to check how many watts i have.

Also since im going to be installing more ram soon, can i just unscrew the back my computer case easily and not have to disassemble any other stuff? i just wanna slip the ram in and close it back up. Nice and cleanly.
Depends Cahoun, If you've got one of those retarded minitowers, you might have to disconnect cables to open them up, unless you've got long very skinny arms.

As for PSU. There should be a sticker on it, if you take the side of the case off.
So I guess I have to buy a psu :(

I have spent alot of money now......

Just one question, how hard is it to change psu in the computer? I have lots of cables down there.

btw I get a score of 11540 in 3dMark03, if I buy a new psu (I have 525w in mind to buy) will it raise my score to the normal x800 xt pe range, which is 12000+?
The more intensive the application, the more power your video card and CPU need.

If they cant get the power, they can only run at sub par levels.

I will say again, get a new power supply.

There extremly easy to replace.

just unhook wires, unscrew 4 screws, take it out, put new in, screw 4 in, plug wires in. no biggie
your system isnt getting enough power thats for sure... but you should ALWAYS uninstall your old vid cards drivers before replacing it with a new one and re-installing the drivers. It doesnt matter if the cards are the same brand i.e. ATI as Windows will still think it has the old video card in so you should always uninstall...
B.Calhoun said:
BUMPED.....sorry for taking over the thread lol, but i want to know how to check how many watts i have.
Check the documentation that came with the PC. PSUs arn't usually marked and I don't believe you can check the spec through software

B.Calhoun said:
Also since im going to be installing more ram soon, can i just unscrew the back my computer case easily and not have to disassemble any other stuff? i just wanna slip the ram in and close it back up. Nice and cleanly.
No mate, you don't take the back off, you take the side off. Look at the back of the case and you will see a lip of the side panel (The one with the window) wrap around the back, where there will be 2 screws holding it in place. Unscrew these and slide the panel backwards and put it to one side.

Be aware of static, it can kill PC components, such as ram. Take the power lead out of the back of the machine and touch a metal part of the case (To discharge yourself). Unwrap your new ram, then de-charge yourself again, pick it up and slide it in. Then slot the side back on the PC, screw in the screws, plug in the power lead and away you go. :)
Gunsnroses said:
just unhook wires, unscrew 4 screws, take it out, put new in, screw 4 in, plug wires in. no biggie
Just to prove how easy it is, there is a video of how to do it here (Requires DivX)
Well yes it is easy when the box is empty.....when I was trying to put the ram in I thought it would take a sec but no, from all those cables and stuff inside it took me 30 min.

Anyways, can anyone explain me how to uninstall the old drivers?
Are you guys sure that it is my psu? Since when I bought the computer I got radeon 9700 np with it, doesn't the x800 xt card need as much power as 9700 np?
No, we are not sure, there is no-way to know for sure what it is untill each bit is replaced 1 at a time to see which is making it crash. PSU just seems most likley.

Like I said, find a spare machine and swap the bits out untill you find out the cause.

The x800 will use more power I suspect :)
hmmm but it doesn't make me crash....I'm just getting some crappy points in benchmarks, could it be because I have AGP x4?
FFS, apparently my brain has turned to cheese. That reply was meant for another thread.

I don't think AGP 4x would have that marked an effect. To uninstall your drivers go "Right click on my computer - Properties - Hardware - Device manager - Display adapters". I would suggest you uninstall your old and your new, then reinstall your new ones after a reboot.
Nex321 said:
Well yes it is easy when the box is empty.....when I was trying to put the ram in I thought it would take a sec but no, from all those cables and stuff inside it took me 30 min.

Anyways, can anyone explain me how to uninstall the old drivers?

:eek: 30 minutes to put in a stick of ram. Well, it shouldn't take that long at all. Do those 30 minutes include unhooking the wires from your case and stuff, and then re-hooking them? If not, it shouldn't take at all that long.
Link, by any chance is that your steam name?
Play on 262 war 3?

As for PSU being marked, i've never seen one not marked, and that includes crap PCs like hp.
Its the name I use, yeah. don't remember playing on 262 war 3 server. What mods it for?