So i passed!


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
(Note it is now Friday here) Two days ago i had my second driving test, failed the first on meeting traffic of all things D:

But i felt confident on this one..despite being desperate for a slash when was just starting :hmph:

But that is skipping a section..before you get in the car you have to do an eye-sight have to read a licence plate from 20m. :eek: my eyes aint the best, but i had them tested a few weeks ago and they were all good :D

So get asked to look at a car and read the plate..first one was pretty bad, over 20m i think and D:

Second one was better, closer to 20m but at an angle, got all of the letter/numbers right..apart from the second 1 or I (forget which) which blured into the first T.


The tester had to go to the back of the Driving Test Place and find an exact 20m length to a car..pressure is on, i fail this and i'm ****ed!

Get there, turn round and it is a nice silver BMW, nice easy plate well spaced numbers and letters..done so get to drive :D

The driving was easy, was overcast and a bit rainy so wipers were on and off all the time, ended up putting the lights on when in the lanes :O

Get back and 'Well done Chris, you have passed'



Had 6 minors..two were for stearing


No you know why my BF2 driving can be poor!

So now i'm gonna start looking for a decent motor to get me to Uni and back and think about PassPlus

Seriously congrats man, I remember when I passed how chuffed I was. (first time, so there).

I had 6 minors too - mostly for being a lunatic. Have you been out in the car on your own yet? That's a really weird experience, but cool at the same time. It's daunting when you look over and see there's nobody next to you to tell you what to do if it goes tits-up.

What questions were you asked? 'How do you test that the handbrake is working properly?' etc. etc.
It's daunting when you look over and see there's nobody next to you to tell you what to do if it goes tits-up.

haha, I remember that feeling. Soo weird yet very cool.

congrats Evo :D
Indicators - love those hazard warnign lights :D

Not been out on my own yet..may go down the DIY store tomorow to get a new phone-wall-plug-socket-thingy...will be fun to go down the road jamming to some Metallica :D

Just hope i don't have any idiots (old people mainly) do anything nutty when i'm driving :hmph:
Just hope i don't have any idiots (old people mainly) do anything nutty when i'm driving :hmph:
It's women and walls you should keep your eye on, mate :upstare:

So let me guess, you can borrow the car as long as you put the petrol in it. :D

What astra is it? My old folks have a new astra, but it's only a 1.3TDi. It's almost as fast as walking.
I failed my first try too. My second try is next thursday D: I'm started to get nervous again as it looms ever closer.

First time i failed because i pulled up to a blind junction real slow, couldnt see anything so i pulled out and this 4x4 came flying down the road towards me. Instead of stopping so it could go round me or whatever, i pulled out and forced it to slow down, so i failed 'cause of that. D: Damn 4x4's

I got 7 minors, but he said i was a good driver. I had to do the emergency stop too, and i hadn't done too many of those, whenever i did do them the ABS never kicked in 'cause i never put the brake down hard enough, did in the test and man, my legs turned to jelly when i had performed that emergency stop. hate them.

Gratz Evo. Let's hope i pass my second one too ;)
It's women and walls you should keep your eye on, mate :upstare:

So let me guess, you can borrow the car as long as you put the petrol in it. :D

What astra is it? My old folks have a new astra, but it's only a 1.3TDi. It's almost as fast as walking.

Hehe, mentioned that in light of your thread :p

Think the 'pay-as-you-go-and-don't-drink-or-crash' method is what i'm on..also when my mum or sister ain't using it D:

New-ish, don't think it is the latests model, but it ain't old old. Would go check but it's cold out :sniper:

Have had some problems with it going up steep hills, sometimes it's stalled half-way up


Good luck Ren! I'm sure you'll be fine, second time is so much easier (speaking like a wizened old fool) you get to know what they're looking for and i at least was much calmer
What car are you looking at getting now? Are you after a cheap and reliable first car, or something brand new with free insurance?

Just a bit of advice. Do the pass-plus thing. It's a few more hours worth of lessons (no test or anything at the end), but it pays to do them. You can save 30% off your insurance if you do - which translates to a lot of money (more than the cost of the extra lessons). Not just this, you do learn stuff too - like how to drive on motorways properly, how to drive at night, in all weather, etc. etc.

Another word of advice. If you see xennon headlights, slow down. It's probably a copper.
What car are you looking at getting now? Are you after a cheap and reliable first car, or something brand new with free insurance?

Just a bit of advice. Do the pass-plus thing. It's a few more hours worth of lessons (no test or anything at the end), but it pays to do them. You can save 30% off your insurance if you do - which translates to a lot of money (more than the cost of the extra lessons). Not just this, you do learn stuff too - like how to drive on motorways properly, how to drive at night, in all weather, etc. etc.

Another word of advice. If you see xennon headlights, slow down. It's probably a copper.

First point: Will look at several options, with staying at home for Uni and keeping the job i have more money than I might have if I moved away. Got £2000 saved for Car+Insurance, may possibly be able to squeeze some from family. But a new car looks unlikely, so probs a decent running second hand car :)

Yeah, one of the main reasons (apart from the obvious insurance) is the extra experiance, would rather go with my instructor on the motoroway than randomly on my own or with my mum who doesn't like em as it is. Getting the night driving will also be good for going to gigs etc. in winter :D

Good tip :thumb:
Yay. Someone I know just passed theirs and they're pretty chuffed, so grats :)

*should probably start learning soon...*
I failed first time cause a car cut me up and I was forced to slow down abruptly.

Second time was a breeze.
Drove down the barbers this morning on my own, felt so cool being the guy in charge of the car! :D

Not often been out in the Astra though so the clutch took a bit of getting used to :/
Yeah, different cars take a bit of getting used to. I drive my own car, my parents car, and the works transit van. They're all wildly different to each other.
Hey, Do you guys get tested by manual cars or automatic or can u guys choose?
If you get tested in an automatic, you can only drive an automatic. If you get tested in a manual (as 99% of people do) you can drive both.
Manual Rocks! Hold down the crutch(did i spell it propely? If its wrong dont be sick minded) down and switch to gear 1/2(2 for vans if they're not full) then go! While on highways continue going up to gear 3 and then 4 when going uphill switch lower to mabye 2


Ill stop

If you can get some motorway exp asap.

It's not that hard, but its more getting used to the speed, and checking your blind spots.

I had a fantastic near miss yesterday on the way home from Brum. Some daft cow didn't check her blind spot and pull out into the second lane, sadly that space was currently occupied by a scoda who only just avoided impact by swerving violently into the fast lane, currently being occupied by me. I nearly locked wheels breaking so damn hard to not go into the back of the scoda. Just as well I saw it coming and started breaking the second the woman pulled out...

Anyway. Have fun :D

If you can get some motorway exp asap.

It's not that hard, but its more getting used to the speed, and checking your blind spots.

I had a fantastic near miss yesterday on the way home from Brum. Some daft cow didn't check her blind spot and pull out into the second lane, sadly that space was currently occupied by a scoda who only just avoided impact by swerving violently into the fast lane, currently being occupied by me. I nearly locked wheels breaking so damn hard to not go into the back of the scoda. Just as well I saw it coming and started breaking the second the woman pulled out...

Anyway. Have fun :D

Exact same thing has happend to me on the motorway, EXACT same.

I also failed my first test... for stopping too late at a red light (I was over the line with the front tyres, jeez).
Sorry to revive a somewhat old thread... but I'd thought i'd update you on how my test went... Anyway...


It was such a great feeling when the guy turned to me and said "Well, Beck. You've Passed. Congratulations" I just wanted to give him a big hug but he might not have liked that :p

Anyway, i only got 4 minors this time round and didnt pull out in front of no 4x4's. I'm thinking of doing that pass plus course too. get's be 40% off my insurance which would be helpful :)

w00t! :D
I have got my driving test on Tuesday and i am terrified i really hate tests cause i always do stupid mistakes on them.
Congrats :)

Driving tests are really nerve wracking, it's really good when you get it out of the way.
I have got my driving test on Tuesday and i am terrified i really hate tests cause i always do stupid mistakes on them.

Try not to be terrified. I know theres no point in saying that 'cause no doubt you'll still be nervous on the day. But just take you time with everything you do. Trust me, it makes the world of a difference. Good luck with it :)

Cheers, Kirovman :)
I dont get what is so scary or nerve racking about these tests. Its just some guy who you will only see once in your life then its over. If you are worried about failing... then you should probably get more experience. When I was first learning I drove with my dad all the time. In the 2 months before my test I just got really comfertable driving, and then just drove normally when the test came around. Its just like giving somebody a ride home, they get in for a few minutes and just say a couple things and then they are home.

I guess what I am trying to say is to drive a lot before your test... and then just drive like that when you get into the test. If you are nervous about failing, its probably because you either dont know what you are doing... or have some groundless fear of being tested. If its the latter, just take a deep breath when you start feeling nervous and force yourself to relax. You make more errors when nervous than you do when calm.
A better way to train for the test would be to drive by yourself everyday, to build up your confidence. Unfortunately that is illegal.

But yeah, drive for at least 30 mins everyday to build yourself up.
Cheers Evo :D

Though, no beer for me now... I'm driving :p
Hey Ren, congrats on the passing :D :cheers:
I'm thinking of doing that pass plus course too. get's me 40% off my insurance which would be helpful :)
Unfortunately it's more like 30% (some places even struggle to give you more than 20% off) ... but even still, it's a lot... and the lessons would be worth it even if the insurance was unaffected.

A better way to train for the test would be to drive by yourself everyday, to build up your confidence. Unfortunately that is illegal.

But yeah, drive for at least 30 mins everyday to build yourself up.

Illegal but not impossible. I would drive up to blockbuster every weekend. Granted its less than 1 mile and a half away, but I had to get on a fairly busy road for like 30 seconds :p

Also, my parents would always ask me to pull their cars into the driveway, so I would go out, drive around the block, and then park in the driveway.

Because of how easy it is, it may not make you ar better driver... but it will get you more comfertable.
Hey Ren, congrats on the passing :D :cheers: Unfortunately it's more like 30% (some places even struggle to give you more than 20% off) ... but even still, it's a lot... and the lessons would be worth it even if the insurance was unaffected.


Cheers :D

And yeah, i checked out some places today and they hardly took anything off.
I'm going to go on my moms insurance for now, probably until i get my own car and see how it goes from there. It's only £200 and odd a year to insure myself with full cover on my moms insurance. Win!