So I picked up Smash Brothers again last week.

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
And damn, have I been playing that like a maniac, I have everything unlocked and have beaten Advanture and Classic with everybody. Now I'm on a troph hunt. And for anybody who plays it, what's your beat Home Run Contest score? Mine is 1980ft with Yoshi, and a combine total of 20005ft for everybody. I also managed to hit 1075 with Fox.
Blakeb155 said:
I've never liked Nintendo games....
Good for you.

Now back on topic...I always loved super smash brothers!I have fond memories of kicking my friends and families ass at it.
Psychanalysis05% said:
what's your beat Home Run Contest score? Mine is 1980ft with Yoshi, and a combine total of 20005ft for everybody. I also managed to hit 1075 with Fox.
I don't remember exactly, but I got just a touch below 2000ft with yoshi. I love that game, it's so much fun with lots of friends.
Vigilante said:
I love that game, it's so much fun with lots of friends.

Before computer lans were a regular thing, having 3 friends over and a nintendo 64 was the most fun, ever.

of course, melee is just as great.
I generally have good fun with it, and its probably one of the ultimate party games.
The best part is that its just totally manic and hilarious with all the craziness flying around. Unfortunately, every once in a while I encounter some player who is ultra-competitive at it and seriously tries to suck all the fun out of it.
I had the displeasure recently of play with a few friends against a dude who considered himself the "ultimate" Smash Bros player and had all these improvised game modes that he had set up with only certain levels and items being allowed. We've never invited him back. :D
My friends and I still play Smash all the time. We're unable to keep a figure of how many hours logged just because the statistics kept getting reset. It's some utterly ridiculous amount though.

Speaking of which, why hasn't Nintendo made a sequel to the game yet? It's been like 3 or 4 years, and it still is the quinessential GC multiplayer game. Golf and Tennis are good, but they don't stand up to it.
My best home run score is 2022.0 with Yoshi. 25,706.3 total.