So I started playing D2 again this week


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Apparently, Blizzard recently introduced an automated system that scans for bot-like behaviors and places a temporary IP ban on suspected parties. Nearly every day this week I've been restricted for up to 7 hours at time. An example of how broken this system is: I was leveling with my friend in one of the botted Baal runs (some people set up bots that do public baal runs all day for exp/drops), and after a couple games, I get temp restricted. My friend is still able to play, and he tells me that the bot running the games is still there. Seriously, I don't even understand why they bothered.
This happens to people with and without bots. It happened to Pitz and I numerous times when used to play.
I realize that, but for a system that was meant to cut down on bot activity, it's quite poorly implemented. It's shame, because I still enjoy playing D2 on bnet.
Oh yeah they've had that for a long time, makes doing Baal runs a bitch.
Well, I do remember when I used to play a couple years back, there would be random realm down messages if you joined games in quick succession. Those would usually last 1-2 hours max. From what I've read, this temporary restriction is a more recent change and the ban lasts far longer than the old realm downs. Blizzard's support for their older games sucks.
Blizzard's support is amazing. They don't have to keep BNET up; infact it probably costs them a lot to do so.

They just don't want their game ending up like Diablo 1 where EVERYBODY hacks.
Well, perhaps "sucks" was a bit too harsh. It's great that they still allow hosting as far back as Warcraft 2. I just wish I could play D2 online again for more than 2 hours at a time without getting banned for 6+ hours a day.
It happened sometimes when I get a big lag spike. But I got it a bunch of times. Thank god for resetting my router getting me a new IP. :p