So, I want to set up a wireless network at my house


Apr 12, 2006
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I have two computers at my house that I want to set up on a wireless network. I have a few questions before I do it though; First, do you lose connection speed if you have a wireless modem. I know that you lose speed if two people are using the net, but is it slower than a wired connection. Second, what do I need to set up a network? Do I just need a wireless router and a couple of wireless cards for the computers? third, do I need expensive equipment to do this. Thanks
You can get a full setup from D-Link for like £70 if you shop around.

If you want it for gaming, DO NOT GET A USB WIRELESS SETUP. USB causes SERIOUS catchup problems. Teleporting and huge lagspikes, especially in CS and DoD etc, are VERY every 30 seconds or something.
ĐynastҰ said:
You can get a full setup from D-Link for like £70 if you shop around.

If you want it for gaming, DO NOT GET A USB WIRELESS SETUP. USB causes SERIOUS catchup problems. Teleporting and huge lagspikes, especially in CS and DoD etc, are VERY every 30 seconds or something.
Has to be better than the 3 PCI cards I have went through. All of them sucked.
if you have dsl you will not have slowdown with many users that only happens on cable modems
I have a cable connection that is pretty fast. So there are kits that you can buy aye? I'll have to look into that. I might get one in town though, so here are my options: I could go to staples or wal-mart. Which one would be better?
Linksys, Netgear and Dlink are probably the 3 top brands you will find in your local store.
Linksys and Dlink you can replace the antennas and buy better ones if you have a poor connection.

[Wireless Router]->[Modem]->{Internet}


Wireless router and the wireless cards are all that is needed. PCI for Desktops and PC Cards for Laptops. Make sure you encrypt the network. Otherwise people near by can connect using your internet and reach any shared folders/files on your machine or even print to a shared printer.

Regular wireless G is 54 MB/s. Just for reference wired is 100MB/s between computers but most broadband internet connections are only 2-7 MB/s. There is a latency slow down with Wireless vs Wired but you won't notice with basic use. If you do games over the LAN or file sharing between computers at home check out the Super G or 108 speeds. The farther you are away from the base the slower the connection will be between PC and base. I'm not sure but I think there is a slow down when multiple people are on the wireless connection but there are MIMO units out there (cost more) that stand for Multiple Input Multiple Output. Should help with that.

giant384 said:
if you have dsl you will not have slowdown with many users that only happens on cable modems
He's talking about the wireless connection from his PCs to the wireless router within his house rather than multiple houses in an area sharing the connection.