So i was playing with blind guys...


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
For maybe 3 maps i was flying a heli the whole time, and got to see how wonderfully rare a good gunner is.

I used to gun before i could fly, and thought was the easiest thing in the world, almost boring. However, i have guys in the chopper shooting at single infantry with the missile. Multiple times. Ill hover in perfect alignment for him, and whoosh a missile...wait...whoosh another missile. Dude, seriously, in real life that would be great, but missiles do little to no splash damage for infantry, use the freaking gun. Other times, i felt like the gunner was afk, i come into a base and start capping the flag, i see a guy running to the AA turret, so i track him, waiting for the mini gun to spool up...waiting...waiting...guy gets in AA turret *beep* so i missile AA turret to death...i didn’t even see the gunners sights move.

Seriously, how hard is this to figure out?
Maybe you were just unlucky enough to get shitty gunners every map? Reaallly unlucky....
If you knew the person was blind, you have no right to complain.

Maybe he was just wanting you to land. Running ppl over with jeeps probably is more his forte.
I thought this would be a thread about people running over your mines :)
Some tips from me on beeing a gunner, especially in the MEC chopper.

Ok the MEC chopper is the least manouvrable of the choppers, it's like the bomber, while the cobra and the chinese are like fighters. You are better for desimating ground targets but not so good in duels. The reason you are so good is because you have an amzing gun, good vs everything exept armor(and it can even hur that). Basicly remember it has splash damage so you only have to hit near them, like if they are in a building, just shoot through the windows, even if do not see them, chances are good you will kill them with splash damage.

Now for the most important, cause all of the rest you know, but this I have never seen anyone do expept me. Now don't be insulted if you do, cause I'm sure there are then people that do, But not a lot, I haven't come across anyone.

Whee you get near a flag, and you want to take it, which you can do pretty fast with two people, and you have a chopper so you can fly to unguared flag easly. When you come to a flag, destroy all the AA and Tow, and buggy's near it, even whne no one is in the them, cause that no no is in them doesn't mean that no one will spawn and go in them and kill you. But if you destroy them, they spawn and they can't hurt you that much. This is especially important in sharqui penisula, if you are the usmc andh ave stolen the MEC chopper but they have your main base, and you have to capture it to have a place to repair and resupply. I mean this is a live saver, the first time I got in the gunners seat I did this, and I got 180 points, and a kill streak of 56. If yu have a good pilot, plus you take out these AA, TOW, and buggy's, there isn't much that they can do to destroy you quickly enough that you do not have time to repair yourself.

Now for the second tip, Exellrate called his gunner blind. But I have noticed that some gunners who are sometimes amazing, can also act like this. And I have noticed that I see a lot more guys as a pilot then my gunners. I had a situation where there were 10 guy's in front of me, and I was hovering and the gunner didn't do jack shit. the reason why is becasue the gunner can look around, and what you as a gunenr is you wanna get that one guy and you turn around your gun and look in a different direction that your pilot, who is looking at 10 guys in front of him and asking himself id your afk.
So my next tip is whne I pilot stops, and you don't see anything, look around, seriously a pliot doesn ot stop just for fun, they do it often so you have a clear tv guided mssle shot to a target or so you can easly gun some targets.
biggest peeve with pilots ...why the hell do you stay in one position when capturing a flag? I mean the best thing to do would be to spin around slowly so that your gunner(s) can shoot anything that comes near yet the majority of pilots I fly will hover in one spot making them an easy target ...cant tell you the amount of times I've died because the pilot didnt notice an enemy in his blind spot
Blind gunners coudl be nice once in awhile....not really

I always hated people that woudln't shoot the gun, or woudln't use the TV missle. oh well, whatcha gonna do?
I've had plenty of shitty gunners. People just seem to sit there and do nothing, waste of space - sometimes I wish I could kick them out and go back to base and get someone else.

One thing you should always do to help out your pilot is when approaching a base, use a TV guided missile to take out any stinger emplacements, and use your cannon to shoot in windows, doorways or whatever, even if you don't see anyone, chances are you'll get a bunch of kills.

Sometimes I'll be hovering over a squad of enemy soldiers, just waiting for my gunner to shoot them, and instead he tries to pick them off with tv guided missiles but misses land completely and hits the sea. And I have to try to take them out with my missiles. I would type "use your cannon" but instead I don't risk it beacuse when I press "e" while typing, half the time I bail out.

One thing I find though, once you do find a good pilot/gunner combination, you pretty much stick with that guy for the whole map.
CptStern said:
biggest peeve with pilots ...why the hell do you stay in one position when capturing a flag? I mean the best thing to do would be to spin around slowly so that your gunner(s) can shoot anything that comes near yet the majority of pilots I fly will hover in one spot making them an easy target ...cant tell you the amount of times I've died because the pilot didnt notice an enemy in his blind spot
It's not allways possible to hover, like in shaequi peninsule on the southerm ost USMC map, the flag is right next to a buidling, or their main base, again very hard tu trun while atill attempting to stay near the flag so you can capture it. But if you follow up my tips half the time he won't need to turn, causet he enemy will not have enough power to kill you fast. Cause most people won't spoawn AT, they will think to themselfs, why would I do that when I can use the tow or aa, or buggy. So read them carefully.

As far as Jimmeh go's, if your in a MEC chopper is far easier to kill the AA with the main gun and not teh TV missles.
I usually do take out the aa and the jeeps but a helicoptor is very vunerable to AT fire or c4 ..but I do agree it's hard to turn when there's a building close to the flag ...but at least park yourself away from the wall ...I've seen people face a wall when they've landed and are trying to capture a flag ..a good pilot would turn slowly letting the gunner cover the perimeter
worse is useless pilots
i'm a handy gunner but the amount of times i've waited for the chopper to spawn get into the gunners seat only to have the pilot immediately crash metres off the ground makes me want to cry

the problem with bf2 is not the game because it is near flawless fun and so beautiful but the fact that humans play it and by nature humans can be ASSHOLES
They should have a second pilot ranks. One that works like your stats do, but with driver points as what promotes you. This way you can see if the pilot is good (or at least have a better idea).
I have come across more bad gunners then pilots. But I do like that idea.
I consider myself a good gunner but I can never find a good pilot. The ones I find are the ones that are too focused on getting kills for themselves and crash into a tree.

Grey Fox said:
Ok the MEC chopper is the least manouvrable of the choppers, it's like the bomber, while the cobra and the chinese are like fighters. You are better for desimating ground targets but not so good in duels.

I always see the MEC chopper destroy a cobra. Fighting against another helicopter is such an awkward process, it looks like 2 butterflies in a retarded mating dance. The MEC chopper's gunner usually does most of the damage, because hitting the other helicopter with the cobra's minigun is a hard thing to do, and even if you do, it doesn't do a lot of damage.
the cobra has manouverability and speed which means that good pilots are sorely lacking
yesterday on kubra i found a decent pilot but after a few minutes i told him i'd get out to repair the chopper
i got out and the helicopter ran me over completely by accident and i couldn't find that pilot again ..... sad story
I haven't really had many bad gunners, I tend to focus on hitting other air targets.. like transport heli's, and then sometimes tanks, In an attack chopper I don't generally go for flags. My problem is, I can't for the life of me take out infantry or small vehicles on the ground, most of the time I can't even hurt tanks. Because when i tilt forward enough to get my crosshair onto the ground, the whole friggen chopper goes flying forward and I only get a few missles off before I have to abruptly steer up.

I prefer driving blackhawks and other transport choppers, because I'm a damn good pilot, just not a good fighter pilot.
bam23 said:
I consider myself a good gunner but I can never find a good pilot. The ones I find are the ones that are too focused on getting kills for themselves and crash into a tree.

I always see the MEC chopper destroy a cobra. Fighting against another helicopter is such an awkward process, it looks like 2 butterflies in a retarded mating dance. The MEC chopper's gunner usually does most of the damage, because hitting the other helicopter with the cobra's minigun is a hard thing to do, and even if you do, it doesn't do a lot of damage.
Like john said it has to do with pilots, I have never lost a duel to the MEC attack shopper. Just creat your own server and try it out.
This is a very goos guide and pay attention to the stuff that can only be doen by the Cobra or chinese heli.
Advanced Maneuvars
These are the things that will skunk missiles and engage hostile choppers. Not every chopper can perform these. The Havoc, for instance, is a very straightfoward helicopter: it CANNOT perform acrobatic stunts. Some of you might say this is wrong, that you can fly circles around bad guys. Well, if you're doing this, you're not taking advantage of the Havoc. The havoc is meant to hover and let the gunner use his amazingly powerful autocannon. The cobra and chinese counterpart are meant to fly around in circles since the gun is next to useless.

This maneuver can only be performed with the Cobra and Chinese Counterpart. This manuever is the stall turn. Basically, it's used when coming out of a strafing dive. When you've finished your dive, pull up till your nose is about at a 50 degree angle, and kill your thrust and hold S. At the same time, hit the rudder either left or right, and turn your mouse in the same direction. This will cause your bird to do a midair 180 degree turnaround with a zero turning radius, allowing you to quickly strafe the target again. Use with caution, since you stop moving during this maneuvar, and thus expose yourself to missiles.