So i'm having a panic attack


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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About the same crap i've been anxious about these days, one being a common adolecent fear, (from what i've experienced) and that is getting out of control agressively and becoming violent. Sometimes I become overhwhelmed by the media and how early I was decensitized so I have a panic that i'l snap and consider it nothing to kill somebody or that i'l randomly kill someone I love (I know i'l never do these things but my panic disorder creates irrelevent fears), also I worry I have an mental disease, im a top-class self-diagnoser. I'm writing this post during a panic attack and I expect to be flamed for makeing a "pussy" thread or whatever but I just have to make it because im freaked out and cant wake anyone up. I think everything I hear is just me or that i'm going in a downward spiral and loosing all control. I have a ton of school work to be doing (biology test to study for) but I cant concentrate because of this anxiety. I have 3 xanax in me and im still wound up and just waiting for it to kick in. **** Sundays :(
oh shit dude ... my advice is ... just lay down on your bed ... and listen to some very soothing, relaxing music ... definitely ... just clear your mind of school until you are relaxed ... then stay up late and work ...
nw909 said:
Go see a shrink.

Ha-ha, I see one.. but it's 11pm and I dont have him until wed. plus he did some ****ed up shit recently so we arent getting along.

Platinum said:
oh shit dude ... my advice is ... just lay down on your bed ... and listen to some very soothing, relaxing music ... definitely ... just clear your mind of school until you are relaxed ... then stay up late and work ...

that's a good idea I think i'l throw on some peppers.
Go have sex or masturbate it will calm you down
FoB_Ed said:
Go have sex or masturbate it will calm you down

Already did tonight, one of the above.. heh. Ok im starting to feel the xanax hit my central nervous system but im still wired as hell.. this feels bizzare. My foots also falling asleep.. god im always like WTF WAS THAT SOUND!!!?!?111oneone
Sh4mp00 said:
Already did tonight, one of the above.. heh. Ok im starting to feel the xanax hit my central nervous system but im still wired as hell.. this feels bizzare. My foots also falling asleep.. god im always like WTF WAS THAT SOUND!!!?!?111oneone

You took 3 of them? How many are you supposed to take? If you're so wound up, go excercise. Go do some sprints or something and lose that energy
shampoo get on AIM and i will talk to you dude...
FoB_Ed said:
You took 3 of them? How many are you supposed to take?

Depends, that dose is appropriate for me in this situation, I would never OD or take over my tolerated dosage. This is the highest I usually will take within a couple-hour time frame. This was within a 2-hr time frame though.. but they all metabolize together basically.

Platinum said:
shampoo get on AIM and i will talk to you dude...

thx bro :)
Oh man, last Sunday I had so much homework to do and 3 tests the next day. Normally I'm fine, but last Sunday I was all wound up because I had so much crap to do. I was in a similar situation. I was working on Math homework and I got stuck, so I got even more frustrated. See, what I did was break my pencil and a few other things and just relax for a minute.

Platinum said:
oh shit dude ... my advice is ... just lay down on your bed ... and listen to some very soothing, relaxing music ... definitely ... just clear your mind of school until you are relaxed ... then stay up late and work ...

This is what I did. Only I didn't listen to music...

EDIT: Hey, weren't you babyheadcrab before Sh4mpoo?
you'll be ok.. you've got plenty of friends here.. :)
My goat will be named Wang Child of Evermore and be chained up by a tree.
bliink said:
you'll be ok.. you've got plenty of friends here.. :)

thx m8 :)

Hey, weren't you babyheadcrab before Sh4mpoo?

yep that's correct

KidRock said:
dude..thats f*cking awesome.. i want a goat.

me too man... me too, i could burry my face in it when i get ****ed up like this and it woudl comfort me.
Sh4mp00 said:
thx m8 :)


yep that's correct

me too man... me too, i could burry my face in it when i get ****ed up like this and it woudl comfort me.

Hell yeah.. goats can make any problem go away.
Sh4mp00 said:
me too man... me too, i could burry my face in it when i get ****ed up like this and it woudl comfort me.

Rabbits are cheaper, though, and less smelly :D
nw909 said:
Rabbits are cheaper, though, and less smelly :D

rabbits dont have enough personality for me, I cant relate to something that hops around and nibbles on shit.. I need something I can bury my face in and it wont bite my ear off thinking it's lettuce. hehe jk rabbits are cute and can have plenty of personality, but I would prefer a goat or farm animal but the stench and urine/poo would get out of hand. hmm maybe scented diapers.
Sh4mp00 said:
rabbits dont have enough personality for me, I cant relate to something that hops around and nibbles on shit.. I need something I can bury my face in and it wont bite my ear off thinking it's lettuce. hehe jk rabbits are cute and can have plenty of personality, but I would prefer a goat or farm animal but the stench and urine/poo would get out of hand. hmm maybe scented diapers.

Man, I hop around and nibble on shit all the time.
Sh4mp00 said:
About the same crap i've been anxious about these days, one being a common adolecent fear, (from what i've experienced) and that is getting out of control agressively and becoming violent. Sometimes I become overhwhelmed by the media and how early I was decensitized so I have a panic that i'l snap and consider it nothing to kill somebody or that i'l randomly kill someone I love (I know i'l never do these things but my panic disorder creates irrelevent fears), also I worry I have an mental disease, im a top-class self-diagnoser. I'm writing this post during a panic attack and I expect to be flamed for makeing a "pussy" thread or whatever but I just have to make it because im freaked out and cant wake anyone up. I think everything I hear is just me or that i'm going in a downward spiral and loosing all control. I have a ton of school work to be doing (biology test to study for) but I cant concentrate because of this anxiety. I have 3 xanax in me and im still wound up and just waiting for it to kick in. **** Sundays :(

What fears and anxieties? Just curious. Can you be a little more specific?
MadHatter said:
What fears and anxieties? Just curious. Can you be a little more specific?

I switch between hypocondriacal fears, namely fear of going nuts and killing people and fear of being scitzphrenic I know neither of these will become reality but my disorder keeps me from not fearing them. SO every noise I hear i think will be just me or il be scared il just pwn my dad or mom when im in the same room as them even tho I NEVER EVER would.. that's what my panic disorder does it makes me scared of irrelevent things.
This may come off a little harsh, but I suggest you get out more.

You can talk to whomever for however long you desire on here or anywhere, but it won't help. It's just fear, it's all in your head; that's all fear is. Unfortunately, you're the only one that can do anything about it. Myself, or anyone else on here, can provide you with spiritually uplifting speeches and such. So what though? You're the one that has to do it and can only do it.

Crawling under a rock and venting on here isn't going to help. You're just gonna have to get out more (if you already do, then get out even more lol), start moving on more, and conquer your fears.
MadHatter said:
This may come off a little harsh, but I suggest you get out more.

You can talk to whomever for however long you desire on here or anywhere, but it won't help. It's just fear, it's all in your head; that's all fear is. Unfortunately, you're the only one that can do anything about it. Myself, or anyone else on here, can provide you with spiritually uplifting speeches and such. So what though? You're the one that has to do it and can only do it.

Crawling under a rock and venting on here isn't going to help. You're just gonna have to get out more (if you already do, then get out even more lol), start moving on more, and conquer your fears.

I do get out quite a bit actually :) in the social terms of the word, i've been called a social butterfly before :p honestly. But I know talking to getting out would be nice but I dont think you understand the nature of a panic attack and that is that of immidiate danger and if your mind can be removed from that when everyone elese is asleep or away 11pm on a schoolnight (sunday) then i'l listen to online speeches, especially from smart educated members of this forum that actually do mean something to me even if I did meet them on the internet. Provided my friends and family were awake I would seek they're help which im perfectly capable of doing (in fact girl that's my friend recently burned my a "calm down" mix cd for my anxiety) it was really nice of her and made me feel good just that she did it for me.
Likewise, I don't think you understood me. Ultimately, they're your fears and you're the only one that can ultimately conquer them. I understand panic attacks very well. I grew up with an alcoholic mother who was heavy on prescription drugs and had panic attacks all the time. She's now like, below the downward spiral for all I can tell anymore. She just continues to seek help from others as if they'll bear the solutions for all her problems and continues to bottle up; she then wonders why she has not progressed. I tried helping her for the longest time, but I eventually gave up. You can show the horse the water, but you can't make it drink it.

I understand you seek comfort on here. Atleast you try to find away to release and speak out; some people don't even do that. I'm just saying, don't expect to find the antidote holding up a sign for you.
Hey, Shampoo, I know what it's like to be freaked out by school like that. But just remember, the second quarter is just starting, so if you screw up, you have like 3 months to fix it. Just don't let go of the rope man.
i have problems with social interaction sometimes and stress relief through a punching bag does wonders for me. or any kind of physical exertion.
You will not go insane, its the illness talking, you know this m8, keep the cool, it will burn away, like every other time.
It just hyper stimulated glans in your brain, nothing else, your reaction to this is perfectly normal, you are perfectly normal, you just have a little to many hormones, bouncing off your scull at the moment, it will go away. dont fight the fear m8, embrace it.
Not much I can say to help really other than hang in there. I've been through similar things and I know it's not a fun experience.

Do you live with your parents or a roommate? Best thing to do would be to talk to them. Or if it's bad enough call the emergency number for psychiatrist.
Thanks for the supportive posts guys, they really helped me get through the night believe it or not, now i'm preparing for school (on no sleep :o) but thanks runner,mac,secret for your kind comments

p.s. madhat I dont use substances or rely on others for all my problems, I think her problems probably lied deeper then a panic disorder, and that is an unfair and completely inavalid comparison as I dont and never will abuse and substance continualy.
The Dark Elf said:
I wouldn't know, I don't sit watching it for that long :p
uhh.. there are children on these forums tde.. fix your ordan-jay apri-cay avatar and your.. profile.. you perverted freak

don't you know the female body is to be shunned and covered at all times!
Wow, i know this is a stupid thing to say bhc, but just calm down... :(

If you think you have a problem you will, and if you dont think so you wont

of course im not exactly an expert on this and im just pulling this out of my ass but im sure it's true to an extent...

It's all in your head :( (i think..)
Shampoo I'm sorry to say this, but you're FUBAR. This isn't the first time you're having these problems. Either increase the dosage or ditch everything and go live in south america.