So, I'm uninstalling all my games and shit

Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
I'll want to see if my life becomes more productive. I'll let you know how it goes.
good idea, makes more time for forum posting.
They next three days I'll be suffering from withdrawls so don't be shocked when i fly off the handel at every little stupid thing.
Ok. Also I ****ed your mom.

/me waits for Last One In to fly off the handle
/flies off the handle

You leave my mother out of this!
It's ok JNightshade. *serenity now* I know you didn't mean it and were just joking around. *shakes uncontrollably and crushes mouse with hand.* I think you and I are gonna be great buddies. *Son of a bitch!!! Grabs monitor and throws through window.* Sorry about that, now where were we?
Did you have to smash 25 computers?!?!

What games are they?
edit: ****, beaten by mere seconds.

I'd be surprised if he lasts a week.
heh...youll just end up reinstalling a few on the weekend "just for kicks" :)
hungryduck said:
heh...youll just end up reinstalling a few on the weekend "just for kicks" :)

First'll come the Japanese lesbian hentai. And then the rest will fall like dominoes. Like- orifice invading tentacle dominoes...
I bet ten cookies, yes ten cookies that you will use your computer for enjoyment but not necesarly play games.
theSteven said:
I bet ten cookies, yes ten cookies that you will use your computer for enjoyment but not necesarly play games.
innuendo :O
Jill Dando?

Good luck last-one-in-dude. I never play games anymore anyway, except the occasional BF2 on weekends. D:
games = good
internet = bad
you've chosen the wrong path - you can spend a day on the internet doing jackshit
at least with games you have goals and improve with play AND enjoy it
He's right there you know. If you want to stop spending so much time on the computer, turn the internet off or ask all the admins of your favourite forums to ban you for a month. Games take up far less time and are far easier to put down or leave for later; achievable goals mean you can stop when you've finished the level or whatever.
You'll be back. They all come crawling back! :laugh:

Also, no one can give up the internet after they've been on it for a certain period of time. I'm going to call that an impossibility. Anyone want to take up THAT challenge?
me - i went a whole summer without it
had to take it back up because of college
Last One In said:
I'll want to see if my life becomes more productive. I'll let you know how it goes.
"Productive"? What is... "Productive"?

...and I agree with john(various numbers) and Sulkdodds. Internet is far more dangerously absorbing. The horror!
Last One In said:
It's ok JNightshade. *serenity now* I know you didn't mean it and were just joking around. *shakes uncontrollably and crushes mouse with hand.* I think you and I are gonna be great buddies. *Son of a bitch!!! Grabs monitor and throws through window.* Sorry about that, now where were we?
*shouts under the window* OUCH! hey watch where you're throwing things ok? damn that hurt...
Starting to get the chills and shivers yet? Diarrhea is on it's way. Withdrawal's a bitch.
You gotta ban me for 3 months Ennui. Ban my Ip and everything so I can't even look at the forums. I'm dead serious! I'll be back in three months to update you on my progress. bon au revoir everyone, and I'll see you in three months.

let's see, it hasn't happened for for 50 minutes, i think you're gonna have to post a spam thread Last One In... :D

but don't do it, i actually don't get the reason for all those "Ban Me!" threads, why not just leave?
jerkasaur said:
let's see, it hasn't happened for for 50 minutes, i think you're gonna have to post a spam thread Last One In... :D

but don't do it, i actually don't get the reason for all those "Ban Me!" threads, why not just leave?
Refer to my picture 1 above you.


"I have just seen the face of God. It is icky and covered in hair. But GOOD."
i have stopped playing games lately, i just can't find any motivation (when i have the time). internet browsing is getting worse on the other hand. Stumble, a button on Firefox to give you random cool sites is so very, very addictive.