So it begins!


Aug 6, 2004
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i'm speechless!

our government is preparing a law that will prohibit sales of violent or sexually explicit video games similar to the German law on video games.
no further details were shown, yet.

i usually don't buy my games, but i'm just flabbergasted that this trend has reached us. the reasons are almost quite the same as elsewhere "think of the children" crap.

i think heads need to start rolling.

oh and don't think other european states are safe, i read something about constitution synchronization for the EU (word?).

i'm so stunned i can't even feel anger!

edit: i guess you don't need the link as it is not in english.
Well even if violent videogames get banned I'm sure we'll still be able to get them off the black market:naughty: . However if this law is implemented in the US of A, where a lot of the games are produced then it's very bad...:( . I guess well just have to play games made in Asia if that happens.
yup...all the major game designers are in country's that sooner or later will have such laws.

and i don't want to play anime shit or something!

the game industry as we know it will be gone.
Um... what country are you from exactly?
Auw, i thought you were from Holland, since I read in today's paper they wish to do the same in Holland now too :O
Holy ****, we'll need to start buying games online (luckily, sales are more and more switching to online sales, rather than boxed sales, this should hold em off for a while).
Holland too!!??

we're falling like flies!

online, i'm sure they'll think of something for that.

oh and i forgot to point it out, they won't just be prohibited to minors but total prohibition.
Well im pretty sure the uk and the surrounding countries wont be affected by a violent video games ban, since so many people play the bastard things.
oh and i forgot to point it out, they won't just be prohibited to minors but total prohibition.

What the f***?!

Oh and I have a question. If you're in a country where this law has been applied and you have violent video games in your house, what happens if you get caught?! Will it be just a fine or jail time?:eek:
I'm pretty sure all my games will be coming from Sealand if that happens. If you know what I mean. ;)
rofl, thats right :P I think the whole of Europe will start buying off Sealand ;)
LONG LIVE SEALAND!!!!! Where crab people roam free!!!!:bounce:
What the f***?!

Oh and I have a question. If you're in a country where this law has been applied and you have violent video games in your house, what happens if you get caught?! Will it be just a fine or jail time?:eek:

i really don't know currently, but i can guess you'd get a fine. But i doubt they'll be snooping peoples homes. But for public places i bet the owners will be fined their brains out.

The law isn't working yet, they're writing it. The thing is that the leading party had this idea and the whole parliament agrees with this proposed law.
So basically nothing can stop it and it's just a matter of time until it's fully active.
Unless if we go to the street with molotows, but i don't see this ever happening.
i really don't know currently, but i can guess you'd get a fine. But i doubt they'll be snooping peoples homes. But for public places i bet the owners will be fined their brains out.

The law isn't working yet, they're writing it. The thing is that the leading party had this idea and the whole parliament agrees with this proposed law.
So basically nothing can stop it and it's just a matter of time until it's fully active.
Unless if we go to the street with molotows, but i don't see this ever happening.

That would just prove their point of how violent video games affect peoples heads to do violent things! My idea was to get every person who plays/played violent videogames, but has not commited a violent crime and march on DC or, I dunno though.
i suggest they ban: movies, music, books, automobiles, airplanes, toys, computers, everything!!

i miss the good ol' days when we went hunting mammoths with rocks and sticks.
****ing old farts...god I feel so bad for my friends over in Germany.
I'm just worried that they are going to apply these stupid laws in all the countries of the EU:(
glad to live in sweden, where we might be cold bitches but at least we have some common sense
How do they define if a game is violent or not, i mean some obviosly are and obviosly are not but who is there that decides the inbetweens.

Violance is all in the eyes of the beholder and it really isn't fair that some one "has the right" to tell you what is violent and what isnt.
How do they define if a game is violent or not, i mean some obviosly are and obviosly are not but who is there that decides the inbetweens.

Violance is all in the eyes of the beholder and it really isn't fair that some one "has the right" to tell you what is violent and what isnt.

well, they are making this stupid law, you'd probably need to ask them.
You're a citizen dammit.
Get on the forums around your country, organize protest's create an organization, send a press release!!

Your freedom is at stake here!
Jesus Christ. Video games are becoming the new marijuana.
Well, "revolutionary" music had its Woodstock; how about we organize W00tstock? :p

Btw I call dibs on first ten hawt gamer chicks
You're a citizen dammit.
Get on the forums around your country, organize protest's create an organization, send a press release!!

Your freedom is at stake here!

on our biggest game sites we are talking about a petition, but currently there's not much being done.

our current government is know for not giving a shit about protests.

even when we had 20000 students protesting before the parliament (about some other law), everything that we could achieve is talk about negotiations, but none of our demands were accepted.

our current gov is more on the right side. in coalition with neo cons (chatolic party) and some other douchebags.
i suggest they ban: movies, music, books, automobiles, airplanes, toys, computers, everything!!

i miss the good ol' days when we went hunting mammoths with rocks and sticks.

Oh they should especially ban violent books, man the violent stuff right there encourages all who read to commit mass homicide. Some may say violence doesn't solve the problem but removing idiotic governments from power by citizen power...
the world would be much better off if the US would be nuked to the ground.

this bill is an insult to my intelligence.

Oh the irony, especially as the US bill ended up being a lot more tame that we first thought.
woow..only stupid redneck kids mimick things from violent video games in real life...basically all rednecks should be banned from playing video games :D
That would just prove their point of how violent video games affect peoples heads to do violent things! My idea was to get every person who plays/played violent videogames, but has not commited a violent crime and march on DC or, I dunno though.
Do eet.
You're a citizen dammit.
Get on the forums around your country, organize protest's create an organization, send a press release!!

Your freedom is at stake here!

lol solaris and freedom in the same post

what about a pacific protest saying to ban every that hav some rlation to violence,even the police?
I read something a few days ago that Germany wants to push Swastika bans, holocaust denial into EU law. So perhaps they want the same with violence in games? I dunno I wasn't paying attention, but they're showing some authoritarian tendancies with that new Chancellor of theirs.
wouldnt many citizens just boycott this law? i mean millions would never agree to this
oh and don't think other european states are safe, i read something about constitution synchronization for the EU (word?).
I'm sorry - are you saying that where one EU member state starts, the rest of the EU has some form of constitutional duty to follow?
Surely I've misunderstood...
the same thing would happen to us americans if hilary clinton became president, but i doubt that.
I suggest all you europeans that play violent video games grab a gun and start killing everyone to stop the law from being passed.
the same thing would happen to us americans if hilary clinton became president, but i doubt that.
I suggest all you europeans that play violent video games grab a gun and start killing everyone to stop the law from being passed.

Unlikely, but even so, I'm rooting for Obama.