So I've been playing Mass Effect 1


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Because of the Image Dump.

And Sulky's comment that he thought I'd like Mass Effect - on a thread a few months ago.
So, there I am, minding my own business - walking towards the general direction of the subway, when a guy crawling on the floor of said subway grabs my leg and says:

"Young friend, would you like to buy a cheap game?"


"Only $3.4719! All of them!" the legless man said, holding up a variety of dodgy looking possibly illegal games.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not inter- wait Mass Effect? Sulkdodds said he'd recommend it on a forum post a few months ago, so I'd better buy it now from this street vendor that sells things not on the street but in the subway, and thereby possibly being a subway vendor, before the police come and forcibly remove him." I possibly may have said, handing $3.4719 to the smiling street vendor subway crawling man.

"Thank you" said the now happy legless man to my face. "The first retard to ever buy a game from me." He added to himself.

I like to imagine that as soon as I went, he stood up, holding the money I gave him , and bought something from McDonald's to sustain his miserable state of affairs for a few days.

Unfortunately, this means that I have no money to get lunch today.


Meh, I guess at least it worked. It installed and played and everything, somehow.

Anyway, interesting game. You can even choose your own answers to conversations! Being the xenophobic gung-ho sob that I am, my answers were mostly along the lines of "Shut up, do your job, kill everything that moves, and **** ALIENS GOOD RIDDANCE THAT UGLY BASTARD IS DEAD HAHAHA"

It might be some time to get the hang of it, though. I'm not a good RPG player - RPG elements get boring after awhile, and I hope that it's not too much like Oblivion - fun at first, until the frigging Daedra gates tire you to no end.
What? I got bored after the fifth one; wasn't the main quest to close all of them?

You had to close like 3, and then the main one. There were lots of optional ones that just had loot and the soulstones or whatever the **** they were called.
You had to close like 3, and then the main one. There were lots of optional ones that just had loot and the soulstones or whatever the **** they were called.

It's definately more than 3; otherwise I would have done them all. :p

You closed them all? Weren't there about 40-50 in all?


No, I forget the exact number, but I believe I was to close every gate outside each city. I got bored after the one with no entrance and tunnels.
I closed all 60.

The character was godly by the end of it too. Damn that game was a grind.
You realize you could just sprint past every enemy in the gates, right? Just find your way to the top of the tower and take the sigil stone without killing anyone and you're done.
I closed all 60.

The character was godly by the end of it too. Damn that game was a grind.

This is exactly it. I hate grinds. I want to be able to shoot a monster in the face with a shotgun and have it take the same amount of damage it would have if I had shot it in the face after I had built up experience in shooting things in faces with a shotgun by shooting numerous things in faces with a shotgun.
But there are shotguns in Fallout: Oblivion with Guns (3).
Enjoy FPS Kotor. With 100x the unnecessary dialogue and sidemissions.
Derailed on the 2nd post. Well have fun with Massive Effection, I know I am replaying it.
Yeah, I'm having fun with it.

Just wish you could shoot the aliens. I mean, come on humanity! Hasn't centuries of bigotry ever teach you anything, like the important lesson of "KILL THE ALIEN BURN THE HERETIC PURGE THE UNCLEAN"?
Planning to get ME (1 & 2) as well. Enjoy.

Holy shit, I managed to post in this thread without mentioning Oblivion.

.. or did I?
I need to finish my 6th and final playthrough of ME1 before I can start ME2.

If you wanna know why I have so many playthroughs, it's because I didn't effectively plan for my achievement-hunting in the game(I got it on the 360.)

Having a hard time finding the motivation and time to do the final playthrough.:(
Mass Effect in combat scenarios

Ass Effect when you discover females.
Love both games. Playing the second one for the second time now, kind of pointless seeing as how
I saved everyone on my first playthrough
but I'm gonna do the first one again afterwards.
****. I liked the LT. At least he was human in a world of nonhumans... And the big alein thing guy whose name starts with W... wertz? At least he's better than that blue space whore thing.

It's a fun game, I've been playing for about 6 hours or so. I just wish they'd speed up the cutscenes and dialogues. It's kinda tiring.

Also, I keep pressing "R" to reload my weapon, forgetting that all weapons are seemingly energy based and recharges automatically. Damnit, I want to be able to punch holes through aliens with goddamn pieces of supersonic metal that'll shatter inside their bodies when they hit bone, completely ripping the internal organs of the enemy, and have some brass eject out of my weapon as it fires. I want goddamn 8-gauge slugs blowing apart alien brains, not some stupid looking rifle that is abysmally inaccurate and doesn't even have iron sights. A M16 would be better compared to this little piece of alien techshit.

Also, what's with the shields? Why are you using xenotechnology, humanity? I must say that for the dignity of the human race we should stop being such pussies and get rid of the shields, and run the enemy through with bayonets. Projectile weapons for the mother****ing win. I mean to say, those things are like the mascots of humanity - bayonet, rifle, and the thermonuclear missile.
Being the xenophobic gung-ho sob that I am, my answers were mostly along the lines of "Shut up, do your job, kill everything that moves, and **** ALIENS GOOD RIDDANCE THAT UGLY BASTARD IS DEAD HAHAHA".

Just wish you could shoot the aliens. I mean, come on humanity! Hasn't centuries of bigotry ever teach you anything, like the important lesson of "KILL THE ALIEN BURN THE HERETIC PURGE THE UNCLEAN"?

blue space whore thing.

Projectile weapons for the mother****ing win. I mean to say, those things are like the mascots of humanity - bayonet, rifle, and the thermonuclear missile.

<3 Numbers

So I take it this game has a Star Trek type vision of the future. Humans living in harmony with many alien species, walking around in brightly colored jumpsuits, carying miniscule rayguns.
I've never liked 'space guns'. Never. Pretty much the reason I haven't bought these games. (well that and they cost money)

When I get some extra cash, I'll get them anyway because I hear they are really good.
This is exactly it. I hate grinds. I want to be able to shoot a monster in the face with a shotgun and have it take the same amount of damage it would have if I had shot it in the face after I had built up experience in shooting things in faces with a shotgun by shooting numerous things in faces with a shotgun.

This is exactly it. I hate grinds.

I hate grinds.

Holy shit.


Guys, we've been in the presence of the most incredible troll this world has ever seen. This whole time I actually believed you were from S. Korea and that they actually brainwashed you to believe all the things you say. I can't believe the completeness of the trolling you've given us. The nuances of your persona were always bordering the absurd, and yet you made them utterly believable with subtle sidesteps and hints of reasonable thought. How fitting that the most innocent comment you would ever make on would unravel your whole character and reveal its falsehood. A Korean who doesn't like a grind. Just beautiful.
Holy shit.


Guys, we've been in the presence of the most incredible troll this world has ever seen. This whole time I actually believed you were from S. Korea and that they actually brainwashed you to believe all the things you say. I can't believe the completeness of the trolling you've given us. The nuances of your persona were always bordering the absurd, and yet you made them utterly believable with subtle sidesteps and hints of reasonable thought. How fitting that the most innocent comment you would ever make on would unravel your whole character and reveal its falsehood. A Korean who doesn't like a grind. Just beautiful.

Lol. :LOL:

FYI: Starcraft has no grind! :p

Why can't I have my little escape from conformity? I mean, I joined the Cult of Starcraft and all that; why do I have to join the Cult of WoW?

And what are you talking about, my persona is not verging on absurd; it is absurd. No wait. It's NOT absurd. You westerners just don't understand purity and morality and all the good sounding things like freedom and liberty and voting and stuff.

<3 Numbers

So I take it this game has a Star Trek type vision of the future. Humans living in harmony with many alien species, walking around in brightly colored jumpsuits, carying miniscule rayguns.

Yes. I mean, the "rifle" is smaller than the MP5! And it's prolly smoothbore, so it isn't actually a rifle.

And what's with the skintight uniforms/ armor? Does everyone turn gay in the future? I mean, you have pink/light purple armor. Who the **** wears pink armor? The Gay Legion? The Homosexual Brigades? Armed Forces of the United States of Fag?

I've never thought the future could be so depressing.

*mournfully looks at replica BDU with urban white camouflage*

Still, I like the game. It's fun, you have to give it that, and that just about makes up for the other stupid things.


You're just not man enough to wear pink, boy. Think about it. You have to be ****ing hardcore to rock pink to where nobody will even dare look at you.

Picture my avatar, riding slow down the street with his pals on a loud ass chrome chopper with pink trim. I dare you to stare at him.

Road Warrior. Now with more pink.

@Krynn. That makes sense. I mean there is no way a Human being would love a nation too much that rewards hard work and blind faith with fascism.

Easy solution. Bomb South Korea back to the stone age so that no more expert trolls come crawling out of that nation.
It does if you care about the Ladder.

I stopped caring about ladder back in high school. :p 3 years of starcraft deprivation will do that to you. My skills aren't there anymore, you see. I even lose in US servers! :p

Anyway, finished the game - my god I love the ending. LONG LIVE HUMANITY. **** the other races. And lol Machiavelli "It's better to be feared than loved." :LOL:

Maybe I'll do another playthrough; this time with paragon choices and slow myself down a little.
Beat it on my 3rd run, paragon and insanity. Reusing a character sure shows all the level 9 armor and guns I missed. Not to mention how devastating it is against enemies. Ended up with lvl 50, going mostly with story missions. Now doing renegade on casual. It's not even fair. I don't even have to stop for crowds, it's just how fast can you put your crosshair on all the enemies to proceed.
I see a lot of people saying they beat the game several times. Is the game really short, or just really addictive?
Both. But quite long if you do the side missions. Sticking just to the main story it's probably 1/4 as long.