So, just got out of a meeting at work...

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Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Freaking awesome. I get to start learning about new products from SchoolMessenger! I'm stoked. This system is totally web based. No hardware to send to the customer, nothing. And the awesome thing is, it does 24 calls a second. So if you need to call 28000 kids to say some emergency happened, thats around 20 minutes. I don't know, I'm really excited about this, and can't wait to support it in the comming weeks. Just might get a raise too :D
Wait, so you're getting paid more to do less work?
Best. Job. Ever.
i work in tech support, they pay me beans. I'm leaving my job to stock groceries.
I miss my Mechanical Bull Job.
If you guys don't get a call that school is closed due to winter snow, I give you permission to thrash Cyberpitz.
I'm the assistant to the assistant manager at the movie theater
He's Uriel.

That's all the explanation you need.
no offense meant but what kind of a mormon are you?

Haha, I'm just playing, although the work had benefits, I never took advantage of it. I was too busy riding the bull, catching people's attention and getting drunk hicks to sign waiver forms.

Had a GF at the time too.
Mormons aren't allowed Girlfriends.

But you get several wives to make up for it, no?
Mormons aren't allowed Girlfriends.

But you get several wives to make up for it, no?

Yes Solaris, I can't have a girlfriend.......
And I've got 12 mothers........

Where's my sarcasm tags?
I have 20 girlfriends, half of them are engaged. I've got about 50 in my family. We use handcarts instead of cars and I've got horns on my head.

What else did I miss?
Magical underwear :O

Oh, and we're not allowed to eat cake. It's in the BoM somewhere.
Que-ever is a mormon too?!

Shouldn't you be making Mormon threads in every sub-forum, the E-equivalent to knocking on peoples door?

So what's a Mormon believe then? I think we could make an interesting discussion from it.
Well, as you can probably tell, me and Uriel aren't exactly the best-behaved mormons... It'd be a lot easier to tell you stuff if you had specific questions.
Well, as you can probably tell, me and Uriel aren't exactly the best-behaved mormons... It'd be a lot easier to tell you stuff if you had specific questions.

Bwhahahaha, QFT
Now Quix is a good example of a Mormon, he's going on his mission soon! Congrats to him :D
Wow, I didn't have any clue that Que was a Mormon too.
Thanks Uriel, I'll make a going away thread when the due date for destiny gets closer.

P.S. I approve of Uriel's sense of humor, I'd joke about the same stuff.
do mormons allow butt sechs? i heard that islam allows it but only with certain conditions and rules.
*EDIT* Why did I talk about my camera here...

OK, but there is no way in hell mormons outnumber christians here...the bible belt is a scary place.
Funny, I think Mormons must outnumber actual Christians here.
Don't you think it's weird that the Book of Mormon was written in fake old English?
Hey Cyber, sorry to hear you work doing Tech Support. But you are only 21, so it's something.
The Brotherhood is the way to welcome out Tiberium Future!
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