So many are waiting for the game...How many are waiting for the Mod's?


Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
Me personally, I'll be playing the singleplayer quite a ways through for the first time... But how many of you out there are really waiting for the great Mod's were gonna see? Let's see a show of hands!
Eh, I'm too, because after I finsih the singleplayer, what am I going to do? Replay it over and over and over again for about five months?
Yep :D, i'm going to be making a few bits and pieces myself too. I'm actually looking forward to making some maps more than the game itself, and i reckon theres a lot of people who feel the same way.
I think it's safe to say we will all be waiting for the mods with great anticipation.
Half-Life 2. Gordon pwns all.

Mods usually suck,. theres just a few gems that came from HL1.
JaegerMaster said:
Me personally, I'll be playing the singleplayer quite a ways through for the first time... But how many of you out there are really waiting for the great Mod's were gonna see? Let's see a show of hands!

Same, but what im afraid of is that we may not see any good singleplayer mods... every one does multiplayer these days :frown: :bonce:
im looking forward to the insurgancy(sp?) mod, looks promising.
Imagine this.... Desert Combat with the HL2 engine, People falling out of helicopters, a more realistic account of Vietnam, and the Iraqi conflict... Maybe my Visions are too far cast, but I can see what the Mod's will be... I'll admit, I'm talking about the Multiplayer Mods, But I can still see Mods with the AI in it, and hope for these too...
JaegerMaster said:
Imagine this.... Desert Combat with the HL2 engine, People falling out of helicopters, a more realistic account of Vietnam, and the Iraqi conflict... Maybe my Visions are too far cast, but I can see what the Mod's will be... I'll admit, I'm talking about the Multiplayer Mods, But I can still see Mods with the AI in it, and hope for these too...

thats what battlefield 2 is going to be
hell ya i am totally waiting for the mods, that is what made half life famous really

I dont think a modified Refractor engine is gonna do it..... It's gonna have to be a whole new engine, with some superior physics.... Don't get me wrong, The Battlefield series is the best thing since sliced bread, But HL2's Mods, are gonna be the ultimate for a while, I'm pretty sure... I could be wrong, But I'm pretty sure...
JaegerMaster said:
I dont think a modified Refractor engine is gonna do it..... It's gonna have to be a whole new engine, with some superior physics.... Don't get me wrong, The Battlefield series is the best thing since sliced bread, But HL2's Mods, are gonna be the ultimate for a while, I'm pretty sure... I could be wrong, But I'm pretty sure...

have you even seen the movies for battlefield 2? they already look like thier done, phyics look great in it.
shapeshifter said:
have you even seen the movies for battlefield 2? they already look like thier done, phyics look great in it.

meh...... they look good, but DC on HL2 would look better IMHO than Battlefield 2......... have you seen the latest battlefield 2 screenshots? ( - scroll down a tad ) ........ note that the water and explosions still suck big time
I started to play hl1 but it got too boring, couldn't stand the graphics really that was about a couple of months ago. I have played all of the leaked source so I am not really expecting anything. I spend more hours playing MP so single player really means nothing to me. I am waiting for CS. Source and that is about it. So lets hurry it up allready.
cadaveca said:
I'm more excited by BLOODLINES than HL2....well, almost. At least bloodlines has a release date.

i thought that bloodlines doesn't get released till hl2? im hearing conflicting reports from different people though, dunno who to believe.
VodkA-HLC- said:
I started to play hl1 but it got too boring, couldn't stand the graphics really that was about a couple of months ago. I have played all of the leaked source so I am not really expecting anything. I spend more hours playing MP so single player really means nothing to me. I am waiting for CS. Source and that is about it. So lets hurry it up allready.

Well, you're clearly a loser! :p (take note of the smiley, no flaming thanks)
theres no doubt pple are waiting for HL2's SP but then theres also no doubt that most of the replay value would in playing the mods :p

anyway theres quite a few mods that have pique'd my interest
poseyjmac said:
i thought that bloodlines doesn't get released till hl2? im hearing conflicting reports from different people though, dunno who to believe.

I know as much as you do probably, however, the "official date" is october 26th. Or November 8th, now, I hear. Like you, I am just as puzzled, but I'd rather have a date and it go by, with an explanation, than nothing at all.