So my computers infected, pretty bad....


Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Jesus christ I have never seen so many pop-ups.

Running Ad-Aware right now, since it all appears to be spamware/spyware, and I've dealt with this before on my daily interweb experiences, but never have I gotten pop-ups that come back ever ten seconds.

Ad-Aware is seeing 10 infections thus far, and my AVG guard has healed 4 or 5, but this is god damned intense.

These pop-ups are for Personal Antivirus downloader, which is a new one to me.

Any suggestions since this isn't working to well?
Try Spybot S&D...That mixed with adaware usually does the trick for me. And don't dload porn, just stream it :D
Heh, the combo you suggested, Bryanf445, worked pretty well.

Just gotta restart and all will be right again. Thanks!
This happened to my dell about 6 years ago. I was looking up *cheat codes* for one of my playstation games. Computer got adwared. 6 years later, it works OK. Can't go on Internet Explorer, because thats the browser that got infected. And everytime I shut it down, a message comes up about Ending "Shellcon Hidden Window". Oh well, nobody uses that piece of shit anyway.

Atleast you only have adware.