so they finaly came to their senses (about geothermal energy in US)


Aug 6, 2004
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The first national geothermal assessment done in 30 years by a governmental agency, the report indicates that the U.S. has ?identified conventional? sources of geothermal systems that, if fully developed, are capable of generating 9,057 megawatts-electric (MWe). An additional 30,033 MWe of potential power generation is available from ?conventional undiscovered? geothermal sources, and 517,800 MWe from unconventional Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) or high temperature, low-permeability resources.

?The answer to the world?s energy needs may have been under our feet all this time,? said Jefferson Tester, MIT professor of chemical engineering at the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment.

Private companies are investing millions of dollars of research money to investigate and develop techniques to expand the potential of geothermal. Among them are companies like Geysir Green Energy and the ubiquitous Google, announcing in August their plan to invest more than $10 million in Enhanced Geothermal Systems while pressuring the federal government to increase funding for geothermal development.

oh...snap :p
oh...snap :p

It means that you can lift 9 billion apples 1 meter into the air every second.
How much is 9,057 megawatts?
Enough to power a few small suburb towns I reckon. :p

BTW, since Jverne is such an "alternative energy" enthusiast, I want to ask, "is perpetual energy possible?"

That would solve all of the world's energy crisis.
Technically, any power source that will outlast us is perpetual. SO, geothermal, solar, can be considered perpetual, but to less elegantly answer the less valid question of whether a perpetual motion machine can be built, not without perpetual energy which in fact technically exists.
Learn to physics, silly billy.

but how do the top physicists of the world even know? Maybe they just haven't discovered the correct formulas and algorithms yet.

Explain, Dr. K.A., why perpetual energy is bogus and enlighten me. :p

I believe the term is "free energy" not perpetual.
Well, free energy then. :p

Doesn't it work using perpetual motion though?
Explain, Dr. K.A., why perpetual energy is bogus and enlighten me.

Because of friction, gravity and inertia. Perpetual motion is only possible in a complete vacuum. Also, you mean 'renewable energy' or something like that. Not perpetual energy.