So....uh....Rock Band is hella fun...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Got it for my PS2 today. Was not going to get it, since I didn't have online capabilities, but damn if the first hour of playing wasn't fun. Played the guitar, good ol' guitar. Played the drums...I got Easy down, working on Medium now. Pretty rockin' game, with some awesome music and the background is awesome.

So yeah, anybody have any tips about the difference in this game from GH3? I mean, I know Star Power is weird different now, as you don't have to activate it, or something, right?
Wait for about a month, it gets boring kind of fast (unless you can get a full band together, then it's retardedly good fun).

As for star power:

Drums - Automatic, it comes when you get those 'do what you want' periods, you just have to hit the last note, then you get it.

Microphone - There will be a thing where you have to yell, scream, make some sort of noise, then it'll trigger the star power

Guitar - There is a bar below the conveyor belt thing that has to be atleast half or more, then you tilt the guitar up, and there you go.
Me and my friends play every weekend and were working on a day for the Endless Setlist (The Raspberry Survivors are the greatest band ever.)

In terms of differences between this and GH3 well obviously the new solo sections to go with the solo buttons higher up on the neck. Starpower is now overdrive, with the only difference being that you can now gain more starpower while you have it deployed so you can keep it going for a while depending on the song.
i cant imagine liking the game at all solo. BUT together in a full band, i assure you, fun factor multiplies by over 9000
Rock Band + you and three friends = 4-6 lost hours
Yeah. Come up with an awesome band name too.

Men O' Pause rocks out when it gets the chance.
I have it for 360. We almost always bust it out when we're drinking. I still have fun playing drums on hard (there's just one song in the solo tour I can't beat - arg).

Our band consists of recreations of Wayne, Garth, Cassandra and a random bassist. Together, we are the Analrapists (Arrested Development joke - our name has been blocked from Xbox Live though :P).
Yeah, I tried the singing part earlier, my god I knew I was tone deaf, but apparently more so.

I live with 3 other people, and they all enjoy GH, so I'm sure getting the full band together can't be so hard. The band name I, and the rest would agree, is Goatse. I've used it since GH1, and plan on keeping it as the best band evar.