So, what are your guys hobbies?

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Outside of just gaming?

I presonally collect consoles and games, ranging from old to new.
I have a NES, SNES, N64, Gensis/Sega CD combo system, PSX, Dreamcast (in England), PS2 (in England), XBOX and Gamecube (well, 2 Cubes, one in England and one in the US). I also have an original GB and GBC in England and over here I have a limited edition Platinum GBA and a GBA SP. Haven't gotten a hold of the DS yet, and I'm not overly interested in it. In the next couple months I have my eye on a Saturn and a Turbo Grafx.

I'm not in my apt right now but I'll take a picture when I get home.

So what are you guys interested in?
trumpet, writing, hunting/refurbishing ye olde rifles. gaming. i also like to build and learn as much as possible about computers in general.
I have no real hobbies...:(

edit: Except video games. Can't miss that. :D
one of my weird ones is making chain mail. takes a lot of time and is suprisingly easy to do.
general mucking about... taking apart things, putting things together, the odd commando escapade
i pretty much just sit in front of this damn machine feeling lifeless. i need my driver's license :(
Sailing would by my main hobby, but since you only can sail in finland from may to october (and it's only really warm in mid june -> august).

Then computers, and other computer related stuff...

Oh, and ofcourse movies... me and my family own a bit over 200 DVDs...

Aandd.... I also like downhill skiing, but I don't get to do that alot .. :(
I dont have as much as I´d like to, because theres no possibilities to do them in the middle of nowhere :(
Just biking, fishing and walking around in the forest :/
Downhill skiing is really my favorite, but I cant neither do it as often as I´d want to.
Toffee said:
I dont have as much as I´d like to, because theres no possibilities to do them in the middle of nowhere :(
Just biking, fishing and walking around in the forest :/
Downhill skiing is really my favorite, but I cant neither do it as often as I´d want to.

toffee, one word: explosives :p

like the avatar too! :)
bliink said:
hehe.. we're all pyromaniacs deep down :p
Just hope you never let me get ahold of anything flammable.

Boom!There goes your house! :p

You brit bastards haven't seen anything yet! :cheers:

and I meant bastards jokingly...I love you guys.
bliink said:
hehe.. we're all pyromaniacs deep down :p

Perhaps :p
I almost bunrned down the kitchen table once when I was little. :eek:
Lucky only the table cloth got on fire tho and not the table.
But thats what you get when you start playing with matches :)
bliink said:
toffee, one word: explosives :p

like the avatar too! :)

explosives? uh no, if something like that happens with matches, think what would happen if I´d get hold on to some exploseves :O
Toffee said:
explosives? uh no, if something like that happens with matches, think what would happen if I´d get hold on to some exploseves :O

lol.. i was only kidding anyway :p.. playing with that stuff gets your hands blown off..
Drinking, WoW, strip clubs, debt.

Damnit, this topic has depressed me.
bliink said:
lol.. i was only kidding anyway :p.. playing with that stuff gets your hands blown off..
Well thats a risk you have to take!
bliink said:
lol.. i was only kidding anyway :p.. playing with that stuff gets your hands blown off..

well sayed. :cheers:

edit: aand end of discussion :)
Toffee said:
well sayed. :cheers:

hehe thankyou.. however, if the blast is hot enough, you might save some time and cauterize your own wounds :rolleyes:
bliink said:
hehe thankyou.. however, if the blast is hot enough, you might save some time and cauterize your own wounds :rolleyes:

Talking from experience now, eh? :p

Bah. Aquariums, music (making and listening :) ), reading, biology, computer & xbox <3. Random activities that make you sweat. All kinds of stuff. :)
Computers, gaming, Graphic Designing, games, basketball
lol, woo! Think thats a majority opinion :p

:eek:, I forgot - HL2 :D
Learning Japanese, Drawing, Gaming, Computing and reading.
Drumming... memorising specs of well known drummers' kits.

(during a conversation with a guitarist friend)
Him: *something about the new Incubus album*
Me: Yeah, Jose's Hand Hammered Raw Bell Dry Ride and Fusion Hats sounded a lot more natural on this album, and his snare was alot heavier... I wonder if he's still using the DW Edge. Also, I really can't get over how he can get such a focused sound out of those 20 inch crashes, you think he uses smaller ones in the studio?
Him: *dumbfounded expression*