So what did you get your procreational partner today?

What did you get her/him/cyberpitz?

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Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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I bought her a silly bear and an awesome valentine card with two parrots squawking "I love you!" at each other :D

EDIT: Darn, I forgot putting in "a small gift / a card" :p

EDIT2: Aww, poor Baal.

EDIT3: Aww, poor cyber.
Wait :|
Thankfully I don;t need to spend any money on a woman, since I don;t have one, that means more booze and computer games for me.
I bought her a silly bear and an awesome valentine card with two parrots squawking "I love you!" at each other :D

EDIT: Darn, I forgot putting in "a small gift / a card" :p

EDIT2: Aww, poor Baal.

EDIT3: Aww, poor cyber.
Wait :|

So much for confidentiality!

I want my cheques back!

Yeah, the only girl I want to spend V-day with, is still on the "I don't know what I want" when it comes to dating me. So if that isn't a "No", then I don't know what is. >_<
We haven't gotten that far. And I doubt we ever will. But I got her a card :D

...that I stole from a museum...
Revisiting that site was the worst decision I have ever made.


hahah, sorry


Probably should stop talking about it, the irony of a Valentines Day raid would be too great I think.
I got her a card. And chocolates. And a garter belt/stockings :naughty:
4 people have said sechs so far.
4 people are lying.
I'm going to go away and pretend to cry now. Just so as I am not going against the poll...
if I ever I get a girlfriend I will send a card whit my holding a real bloody heart photoshoped to look like if I riped it from my chest whit the caption "my heart is yours"
and it will hav a real life heart inside

we will be humping like rabbits after that
Nothing. I don't have a procreational partner.
Sec... oh wait... ;(

Its called singles awareness day (SAD).
Single's Awareness Day wiki has been vandalized as of 9:27 Atlantic Time (-4 GMT)

Lets see how long it takes for it to be recovered.

oh, it's fixed now. Though I'm not certain whether I was the one to fix it or not :O

When I hit edit all of the content was there, so I just hit "save" and bam!
Got my missus a nice card, a cute little teddy-bear, a 'Best Girlfriend in the World' mug and another small cute thing :)

Watched some movies and did the :naughty:

Was also our three month anniversary :O

You have my sympathies Baal and Pitzy

Got my missus a nice card, a cute little teddy-bear, a 'Best Girlfriend in the World' mug and another small cute thing :)

Watched some movies and did the :naughty:

Was also our three month anniversary :O

You have my sympathies Baal and Pitzy


I give you 2 1 and half month before split
Got my girlfriend a card, some roses and bought her a top she wanted.

She came round here, we watched a few episodes of lost, cooked some food and had a great laugh :)
Got my missus a nice card, a cute little teddy-bear, a 'Best Girlfriend in the World' mug and another small cute thing :)

Watched some movies and did the :naughty:

Was also our three month anniversary :O

You have my sympathies Baal and Pitzy



Okay, I really don't want to brag at all, but seriously... best Valentine's day EVER.

I go and meet my GF at school, by skipping my last class and bussing over, where we exchange gifts - I get her a horribly cute card, some chocolate and candy, and that garter belt/stockings thing that she wanted. She gets me a handmade card (being an art student), and ****ing chocolate body paint.

Then we go downtown, get food, and spend an hour and a half at a LAN center playing Counter-Strike and Guitar Hero.

Then we go to her place, paint each other for 3 hours, and then get to third-base it for another hour :D

But rather than shoving it in people's faces, I like to think of myself as a beacon of hope - I was single for 19 years, being a huge nerd, not feeling good about myself - and then I find this perfect girl who actually likes me for who I am. Moral of the story: nerds CAN get girlfriends, and I honestly believe that everyone on this forum will find someone, someday. Waiting sucks, believe me, but one day... :)
I'm not crying but I was without a partner this valentines.
Flower, chocolates, dinner, etc. Damn costly, but it's worth it.