So what exactly CAN I do to my 9800 pro ?


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
I'm hoping to be getting a whole bunch of cooling-related stuff for my birthday and I was planning on OCing the hell outta my system. Included in that was going to be flashing my 9800 pro 256 to XT speeds, but I just read here that I won't be able to do that since I have the wrong core (mine has the R350 core)

So with that said, is there anything that CAN be done to my card other than just plain overclocking? Thanks!

(btw, for those of you that can use it, that article looked pretty informative... here's the link again: here)

EDIT: BTW (again) I'm hoping to be getting this for the card.
I would not just call it plain you could volt mod it (just google for it) and with good cooling you should get a really nice OC out of it but depends how big a risk you want to take and what you are like with a soldering iron.
erm that thing ur buying for ur card....

reviewer said:
This Fan NO LONGER fits 9800pro 256's. Just purchased a card and fan from here, fan/sink appears to fit a 128 model card as the sink doesnt cover the last row of RAM chips under the fan now do ANY of the pins line up.

The 9800xt has only one difference i think: overdrive. AN higher clock speeds, but that's like overclocking.
quick question: Does anyone know what kind of 9800 pro card has an R360 core? Im getting a 9800 pro, but Im still not certain which one.
ATI4EVER! said:
erm that thing ur buying for ur card....

I saw that, but there are several other reviews that don't say anything about it. I figure if it turns out that it IS the wrong one I can always sell it or return it.
I'm planing to get the same card, is it any good man ?
How do you know its an r350? Did you look at the core or are you relying on software telling you that?
ATI4EVER! said:
erm that thing ur buying for ur card....

The 9800xt has only one difference i think: overdrive. AN higher clock speeds, but that's like overclocking.
Some cards have different types of ram as well.
Several different pieces of software, plus I that link had pictures. My heatsink/fan setup doesn't look like that. I don't have a Sapphire anyways, mine's actually made by ATI.
Sapphire actually make the made by ati cards afaik.
The only way to know for sure is by looking at the card. Software oftens says r350 when its really r360.
to overclock you should use powerstrip, im so tired, im lazy to get the site. search it on google. It is NOT

Anyone know what core the 9600xt has?
if you have an r360 core, windows will read it as a 9800XT

get a higher rev VGA silencer as well. or watergooging and a gpu waterblock. :)