So what's the latest news...


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
On the Half-Life 2 release date? Last thing I heard it was a tentative "holiday season" ... yet here we are... or maybe even April 2004. Is that what we're looking at now?
currently ~we're all looking at april 2004, gabe already said that hl2 won't ship this year
really? i must've missed that... damn! oh well, i *guess* i can be patient. i was already counting on april anyways.
Originally posted by MongoTheMad
I hope this stops the rumors....

From: Andrew [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:25 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: You always reply negative...

Dear Mr. Newell,
In all of the e-mails I have read from you, you are always replying
negative. When people ask anything about HL2 release date, you reply
negative. So I ask you, Mr. Newell, reply to this e-mail with some
positive information about HL2 or TF2.

A.K.A MongoTheMad

P.S. I already know everything about CS:CZ, so do not give any
information about it.

From: Gabe Newell [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 03:12:24 -0800
To: Andrew
Subject: RE: You always reply negative...

I'm positive HL-2 won't ship this year.
Nice of him to let everyone know by answering an individual e-mail rather than putting out an official Valve statement. Can I please get the Valve PR job? I'd like to get paid for doing absolutely nothing!
Originally posted by jet jaguar
Nice of him to let everyone know by answering an individual e-mail rather than putting out an official Valve statement. Can I please get the Valve PR job? I'd like to get paid for doing absolutely nothing!

It's almost like we've known that it wouldn't make it out this year for months!
Thanks for the post chris_D, good info there.

To be honest i heard valve and microsoft are merging, it's going to be an xbox only title i hear.

I swear, some guy on the street told me.
Originally posted by RandomPING
Thanks for the post chris_D, good info there.

To be honest i heard valve and microsoft are merging, it's going to be an xbox only title i hear.

I swear, some guy on the street told me.

Then it will be the most missrible fuking sad day in the history of gameing Community:flame:

But I don't think valve would do it.........for evil Microsoft:devil:
Originally posted by RandomPING
Thanks for the post chris_D, good info there.

To be honest i heard valve and microsoft are merging, it's going to be an xbox only title i hear.

I swear, some guy on the street told me.

My dad's uncle's little sister's boyfriend's brother's mother's husband spoke to Gabe Newell and said the world will end at 23:59.59 on the 31st December 2003 so actually, that won't be possible as we're all going to be dead.
Originally posted by Chris_D
My dad's uncle's little sister's boyfriend's brother's mother's husband spoke to Gabe Newell and said the world will end at 23:59.59 on the 31st December 2003 so actually, that won't be possible as we're all going to be dead.

Originally posted by jet jaguar
Nice of him to let everyone know by answering an individual e-mail rather than putting out an official Valve statement. Can I please get the Valve PR job? I'd like to get paid for doing absolutely nothing!

you just owned valve

My fav Valve ownage quote is from irc

Person 1: How come ever since the update Kazaa always downloads at 0.01 kbs right before its going to finish, it takes like 20 minutes.

Person 2: Valve merged with Kazaa.
Originally posted by Chris_D
My dad's uncle's little sister's boyfriend's brother's mother's husband spoke to Gabe Newell and said the world will end at 23:59.59 on the 31st December 2003 so actually, that won't be possible as we're all going to be dead.

my dads sisters roomates uncles best friends hair stylests cousin said that Erik Johnson said that it might be delayed to 2005 fiscal year
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
my dads sisters roomates uncles best friends hair stylests cousin said that Erik Johnson said that it might be delayed to 2005 fiscal year

That's impossible. We'll all be teh ded!! Gbae Nwell sed so!!""& :O
Originally posted by G0rgon
Then it will be the most missrible fuking sad day in the history of gameing Community:flame:

But I don't think valve would do it.........for evil Microsoft:devil:

You do know that Gabe is a former Microsoft employee don't you? Hell, Steam even looks like something Microsoft would dream up - bundle up 3rd party apps(like ASE, friends online, chat) into an invasive, bloated, resource-hog of a program(i.e. Windows) then attempt a monopoly by saying you can't play HL2 mp or d/l updates unless you install Steam thereby cutting off your choices/options.
Did your second cousin's sister's postman's wife's boss get that information off Bill Gates?

Or maybe Steam is a program that they've created to make things easier for us to chat with our fellow gamers, find out where they are, find servers, download updates automatically and purchase new titles. Or I could be wrong.
Those features are nothing more than frosting on the cake to make Steam more 'friendly' to the casual user. The real impetus driving Steam is it's application as a way of distributing content, billing for transactions made, and accounting controls - things that the casual user could care less about. Making it mandatory to install Steam or else do without updates or online play is as assinine as MS making Xbox users pay for it's Xbox Live service if they want to play online. Whenever a company limits my choices for whatever 'benign' reasons they come up with, I get suspicious. If Steam comes out with options to make it less invasive, less of a resource-hog, and more a tool that I control and not the other way around, then maybe I'll be more open to the idea.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
my dads sisters roomates uncles best friends hair stylests cousin said that Erik Johnson said that it might be delayed to 2005 fiscal year

2005 fiscal year for some companies starts in April 2004.
Steam takes less resources than an Internet Explorer window. It isn't invasive at all. It sits in the background.

There's obviously commercial motives behind it. They can start selling their games electronically over the internet like a lot of publishers/developers do anyway. The only difference is that you download the whole thing. But there's also many benefits to using Steam over WON. It's a new authentication system, probably easier to implement VAC, it's easier to update games and you know the rest.

Steam is a good venture and it will work once the little creases are ironed out.
Talking about PR what the hell ever happened to Doug Lombardi? Haven't heard from him in a while.
People allways grade things by first impresions. Loads of people are still thinking that it takes up tonnes of resources and is shitty generally.
But now It runs very well on allmost everyones machines.

Once they have the next patch out I am fairly positive that more people will like it.

After all the next update is suppost to be a big one PLUS NS 3.0 and Sven CO-OP 3.0 are both Steam games!!!!

Can't afford not to have steam soon! :)
Originally posted by RandomPING

To be honest i heard valve and microsoft are merging, it's going to be an xbox only title i hear.

I swear, some guy on the street told me.
I think the free publicity Gabe gave to the Outlook product and Windows Server security over the past few months is reason enough for Bill to 'owe him one'. A merger you say? Problem solved. :rolleyes:
