So who's the traitor?


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score

I was talking to someone from recently about how HL2 fan sites suck cock. And it?s true. The best fansite in history as far as I?m concerned is/was CSNation - and all other sites should be taking pointers.

Burn the traitor! Kill them all, arrrrgh!
He's the SCAT MAN!?

ass-man! ass-man! nanananananananananananananana ass-maaaaan!

unfortunately, I could not find a picture of adam west's ass.
It's a blog. Blogs are useless, unless they:
A) House an absolutely awesome story (and even then only that post is awesome)
B) Are the property of Maddox.
wow....he really doesn't like us. I say we take away his mod's section on this forum!
He makes a valid point, actually. We're slack as hell about newsposting, and so are the rest of the HL2 fansites.
In my opinion it's the community that makes a site.
Did they say what point of view the person from this site was taking? He/she may have been taking a defensive position. Where's the defense lawyer?
In my opinion it's the community that makes a site.

That's what I Think. If I wanted a news site that was awesome, I'd make it myself. The community here makes the slow news postings completely worth while...

If he thinks it's all shit, why doesn't he step up to the plate? Oh that's right...his will be shittier then the rest.
He/she may have been taking a defensive position. Where's the defense lawyer?
Calling Angry Lawyer. Calling Angry Lawyer.

Will you take his defense?

Do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth?

*Insert other court bullshit*
How can we take anything Samon says seriously if he doesn't even like Adrian Shephard :/
Calm the **** down Urinel! Don't make me bust out the tazor.

You know, if we really wanted to do some damage, we'd release Short Recoil.
....but there's few cases where we actually need to take it that far.
Shephard would turn this fansite into an instant "CS-nation" hit