so WILL VU delay the game for 6 months? *poll inside*

will they delay it?

  • yeah they will hold it for 6 months...

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • Id say they will hold it until jan/feb time next year...

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • They will aim for a december release,lots of holiday season money

    Votes: 36 25.4%
  • They will release it between now and end of october..

    Votes: 75 52.8%

  • Total voters
They'd be stupid to hold it for 6 months like they did with Condition-Zero.

But they seem like a stupid company run by twits, so anything is possible!!
i bet they hold it till christmas ... i also bet it goes gold next thursday or friday ...
You know whats funny?,i work in retail and i got this magazine only retail companys get,mvc or something,had a vinvendi number in it,i called em and asked if they have any idea when hl2 was coming out (bare in mind this was about 5 weeks ago) the man laughed and said "there is no way it will see this side of christmas" and i just said thanks and put the phone down...

he was really rude and did not sound very professional,like one of them people that work at eb LOL...
I think i'll quote a statement that i said in another thread:

Remember people: there has been NO statement saying that the game has been delayed 6 months, and there was never one like it. The statement said that, under the contract that VU & Valve have, VU could delay the game up to six months before they'd have to release it. It'd be just stupid for them to delay it 6 months though.

Like the previous post said, i think it's obvious that there were a few bugs or things in the first RC that Valve is currently working on fixing. Like said before, the recent update to CS:S AFTER the first RC was sent is evidence of this. VU wouldn't delay this past the holidays, that's what i'm sure of. I'm 99.999999....% sure that we'll see a release date before the holidays.
They will release it between now and end of october..

I vote that because i beleave they will do it and i cant bear the thought of a delay.
Raziel-Jcd said:
They will release it between now and end of october..

I vote that because i beleave they will do it and i cant bear the thought of a delay.


just kiddin lol :cheers:
If the game goes gold and Vivendi is slow on a release date (ie within a week of going gold) then I'll be worried.
i am sick and tired of waiting im going to take my reservation for hl2 and put it towards a better game halo 2.
"i am sick and tired of waiting im going to take my reservation for hl2 and put it towards a better game halo 2."

Don't let the door hit you on your way out while you go to play Homo...I mean Halo 2.

"i am 1 of many that isnt buying the game anymore ,this is rediculous"

That's fine - we could do without you anyway :)
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
i am 1 of many that isnt buying the game anymore ,this is rediculous

Dude, the game HASENT been delayed 6 months. Settle down. No one really cares either, whether or not you buy it.
If Vivendi does decide to hold the game I sure hope Valve takes the opportunity to polish her up, maybe even add some more gameplay.
If VU decides to hold the game I hope Valve decides to...

all you people that say your not buying the game anymore, dont kid yourselves you know once thats its in store shelves that you would buy it and come here be like, i just got it, man this is the best game ever!
yeah, once the reviews start rolling in you'll be back on the bandwagon gagging for HL-2 like the rest of us.
Can't wait to be able to buy it over Steam.

I can't stand VU. May they burn in hell.
Vivendi NEEDS THE MONEY. If they delay it they could go bankrupt! And if they do delay it, and valve WINS this court case then vivendi sure as hell will probaly go backrupt. Ecspecially considering after this i highly doubt valve will do shit with vivendi and the deal with activision wiill take place and they can be valves new publisher.
A better publisher!
Ok but if the game review is coming out soon for all these magazines how the hell could it be delayed for another 6 months ? Thats crazy, a review comes out for a game and half a year later the game comes out ? I dont think so, unless of course the reviews dont come out but they were sure they would have a review in their next issue.
It's funny how there was no talk about how much VU sucked until the lawsuits started up.
This is HL2 we're talking about

It would be like Microsoft holding Halo 2 back from 6 months
vivendi isnt going to go bankrupt... they are a huge european company... but it would be really stupid to delay it just because they are angry at Valve... they need to release it when it can be and patch up any differences so that when HL3 and other valve games are produced then vivendi can have a share of the profits.... because people arent going to stop buying games at stores.

my 2 cents
**** VU

sorry about the language but weve been waiting for this game for 5 years if it gets delayed again im going to kill
We have been waiting for a while, but not five years. Unless of coures after Half-Life you took it upon yourself to assume there would be a sequel and began hyping yourself up until a year and a half ago when it was formally announced/unveiled. Anyhow, of course, this Vivendi crap is bullshit, but, do weknow all the facts yet? This has been going on since 2002, and we all just found out about it(whole lawsuit thing) a week ago...
so all this shize could just be all rumors?

so like known of it has been confirmed by vivendi or valve?