So You Tube has removed one of my videos

Feb 4, 2008
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I hadn't been keeping up with much news lately, and even if I was, anything dealing with YouTube would not have caught my eye. Today I found out the hard way. I was trying to upload an amv (yeah I'm a nerd) and every time YouTube denied it due to the "copyright" bull. Well that annoyed me a little, but I got really pissed when I noticed that one of my older videos was missing. That's when I found out they had removed it due to "copyright" issues. WTF? I made that video 3 years ago for a school project and due to a computer crash no longer have the original. But I thought it was safe on you tube. I guess I was wrong. I used like 20 seconds of three different songs and they do that to me? So now my video is lost forever.

I can't totally blame You Tube, because I know that they did this from pressure from Warner Music Group. Seriously, how is muting/removing machinima, amv's, music videos, trailers, re-cut trailers, mix's, etc going to HELP the record industry? In fact, I have bought CD's because I came across a you Tube video that had a Song or Band that sounded really good.

Does any one else think this might be the wrong direction for YouTube? Or am I just over reacting? I totally understand You Tube pulling entire tv shows or movies, but music videos (fan made or official)?
Well yeah, they're going too turn into some shitty place where people can post their videos of them setting fire to themselves or shooting themselves with bb guns at point-blank range.

As long as there's no music, of course.
It will just encourage more bands to broadcast their own stuff on youtube, like a lot of bands already do. Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, and Harvey Danger are just some examples of bands who practically give away their music because they know there's no way they're going to stop people pirating it.
It will just encourage more bands to broadcast their own stuff on youtube, like a lot of bands already do. Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, and Harvey Danger are just some examples of bands who practically give away their music because they know there's no way they're going to stop people pirating it.

Yeah, true. But many bands can not make that kind of decision. Only their record label can (don't know about Harvey Danger, but both Radiohead and NIN are incredibly popular, so maybe they have some say with their labels). Besides, making a fan made music video or trailer or machinima that contains a copyrighted song is different than someone going to piratebay and downloading albums without the intention to ever buy them. I mean, I used my own CD (that I purchased brand new) of Static X for the video I was making. I didn't download it. Didn't make a copy from a friend. Oh well.
reminds me of Nine Inch Nails getting pissed at (MGM?) with their videos. Ownership has taken a whole new meaning in the new millennium.

edit^^^ NIN also lets other people edit their own music, much like Radiohead, Deerhoof, Public Enemy, and Mariah Carey. read it in Wired magazine
^^^ seriously, the label companies are over reacting. But I also find it funny that YouTube has not removed the Evolution of Dance video which has tons of copyrighted music in it.

Not to mention the pluthera of other meme/viral videos that feature copyrighted music (Numa Numa, Rick Roll, the star wars kid vids, etc). But of course they wouldnt take those down (since they have a million billion views and I had 3.... but still). Hypocrisy at its best.
inb4 google's gonna take over the world
Worst bit? Youtube has started taking down the audio of entrants to REM's "Supernatural Superserious" remix program. Where the band specifically gave out HQ Video, their song, told fans to remix their stuff, and post it to Youtube and add it to their channel.

Gg Youtube and Music Labels.

that really sucks. Again I blame the record companies more than you tube. Still sucks either way. I mostly used you tube to watch music videos, amvs and machinima, and if they take all that down or mute it... well i guess i don't have a reason to go to youtube.

and Pesmerga, is a really good site. Has more HD options and aren't as copyright nit picky (yet). But its still not nearly as big as you tube. but i like their interface better.
This is the kind of thing that leads to everyone moving to a new website.

Which'll be great.
i got my video "unmuted" buy contacting them...seems like they take down a lot but will easily reinstate a video if you make a fuss
waaa waaa waaa waaa youtube removed my video and i'm going to get really mad about it thread # FIVE ****ING MILLION

On the other hand: you are entirely correct.
Am I the only person who never uploads shit to youtube?
i upload to youtube mother****ers

that was not polite and i apologize
As much as this sucks, I dont feel too upset over it. I think soon people will be raging over this bullshit and it is going to be a huge nail in record label's coffins. Record labels are ****ers anyways and in most cases useless. Bands dont need them and neither does anyone else. Hopefully this will simply lead to bands sticking up for themselves and digitally distributing their music, thus making it easier for us to get, them to publish and ultimately see more of the profits themselves.

Also RIAA can **** off and die.
just send in a complaint or however you do it, i forget....mine was reinstated the same day so its obvious they value their users over wmg bologna
waaa waaa waaa waaa youtube removed my video and i'm going to get really mad about it thread # FIVE ****ING MILLION

On the other hand: you are entirely correct.

Yeah I know, it is a bit much to complain about this. I wouldn't really care at all except for the fact that the only copy of the video I made 3 years ago (and which has been on you tube for 3 years) was taken down without even a warning. I tried contesting it, but so far no response. I had a lot of fun making the video and it reminds me of good times in college (it was a group final project that we all enjoyed. and got an A on). Now I don't have it. And I'm not in contact with the classmates so I cant see if they have a copy. That's the only reason I'm acting like a little b**** over this. Again, I'm not so pissed at you tube as I am at the record labels who feel that they need to strong arm you tube. Eh. Oh well.
Wow I guess people are a little mad. just saw this a min ago:


I hadn't been keeping up with much news lately, and even if I was, anything dealing with YouTube would not have caught my eye. Today I found out the hard way. I was trying to upload an amv (yeah I'm a nerd) and every time YouTube denied it due to the "copyright" bull. Well that annoyed me a little, but I got really pissed when I noticed that one of my older videos was missing. That's when I found out they had removed it due to "copyright" issues. WTF? I made that video 3 years ago for a school project and due to a computer crash no longer have the original. But I thought it was safe on you tube. I guess I was wrong. I used like 20 seconds of three different songs and they do that to me? So now my video is lost forever.

Aren't all song clips under 30 seconds legally allowable?
Hmm, according to Wikipedia you're supposed to have "fair use" on either 10% of the song or 30 sec (whichever is less), but there are a bunch of nitpicky guidelines that go along with it :|
Today I found out the hard way. I was trying to upload an amv (yeah I'm a nerd) and every time YouTube denied it due to the "copyright" bull.
I'd have sympathy, but AMV production is the single least talented practice that the internet has given rise to, and the thought of one less AMV on youtube warms the cockles of my heart more than the potential launching into the sun of a thousand fascist music company executives.

Atone for your sins!
I'd have sympathy, but AMV production is the single least talented practice that the internet has given rise to, and the thought of one less AMV on youtube warms the cockles of my heart more than the potential launching into the sun of a thousand fascist music company executives.

Atone for your sins!

oh c'mon know some people really take pride in what they're showing off there. Whether it be set to shit-tastic music or not. Granted there are the.....USELESS MANY useless many out there
If the music clips are under 30 seconds each it's actually not violating copyright laws.
I'd have sympathy, but AMV production is the single least talented practice that the internet has given rise to, and the thought of one less AMV on youtube warms the cockles of my heart more than the potential launching into the sun of a thousand fascist music company executives.

Atone for your sins!

actually, the least talented practice is the motivational posters. But again, I'm not that mad about my amv getting denied. No, I'm more pissed about a video that's been up for 3 years (that is NOT an amv) getting taken down within the past few days without a warning or chance to keep it (and i don't have the original file due to a hard drive failure a couple years ago).