So you've lost your HL2 data

Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Let's say, you've just ordered HL2 over Steam. Suddenly, your PC broke down, and you've lost all your HL2 data, and you have to do the whole thing all over again.

So what now? How do I get my HL2 data back without spending extra money to re-order it?
lets say you bought the discs retail and lose one!!!!

Whats the point in making these scenarios up, when if you had half a brain you would have backed up the data files in the steam folder.
Don't worry, steam keeps records of what games you've bought and so you can just redownload them all again - as long as you remember your steam password etc you'll be fine.
Gordon's Beard said:
How do I get my HL2 data back without spending extra money to re-order it?
Why would you need to re-order it? You've paid for it. You can download it again. And again. And again.
yeah your purchases are tied to your account. you just log into you account on ANY computer in the world, and you will have the games that you have paid for available for download.