SOF Payback


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, just today I acquired this gem of a game to see if it really was as bad as all the reviewers said it was. And well quite frankly it's so bad it's funny. At first when i saw the gameplay videos I thought it would at least be a fun mindless shooter like Painkiller was. I was wrong.

So let's see, the "features":

-Graphical options restricted to only choosing the screen resolution
-Weird graphical glitches
-Weapons that feel like nerf guns, with no recoil whatsoever.
-Voice "acting" so bad you laugh your ass off
-Horrible sound effects
-Painfully linear
-No quicksaves, just check points
-Movement is too slow and unwieldy (it's supposed to be an action game not a tactical shooter FFS:rolleyes:)
-I was right with my Painkiller comparison in the AI department:P

The graphics aren't top notch but would've been OK if not for the glitches, and the music is decent. These 2 thing are pretty much the only pros.

So all in all I agree with the reviewers 4/10
Play at your own risk:P

One last note. this game is bad but nowhere near the abysmal quality of Big Rigs:laugh:
I remember seeing screenshots and thinking "That looks mo' fuggin' awesome!"

Than I tried and was like "What the hell is this shit?"
thanks for the honest review, I was kinda tempted to get it, it's soldier of fortune after all, but it seems like only the name bears any resemblance
Well I've played the first 4 levels and so far it seems to be a bad hybrid of elements from COD4 and Far Cry.
I got more enjoyment out of injecting bullet ants into my urethra than I did playing that game.
It was a very bad game. I got to the part where you had to shoot the helicopter down in that town with never-ending waves of respawning enemies and decided I was wasting my time.
What idiots actually got suckered into paying $40+ for this shit.

First the game gets announced as a bargain bin game then interest rises so the publishers completely fool the public by saying since more attention has arose for the game they will put more production into the game but it will sell as a full price title for $50. Unbeknown to the stupid followers is that absolutely zero change was made to the bargain title.

The PC gamers saw what they did there and realized it was still shit but I bet the console dummies loved this game and though it revolutionized just like Halo did.
It's so bad, it's not even worth pirating it.
The worst thing about the PC version is that it didn't include any kind of protection.
Not even a serial key.I feel sorry for anybody who purchased it.
Console fanboys on the other hand were more then happy to shovel this shit down as usual.
I actually rented this game and returned it within less than half an hour of me getting home and popping it in. I almost bought the piece of shit at first.
Waste of a good name really. SOF 1 and 2 were awesome.
The PC gamers saw what they did there and realized it was still shit but I bet the console dummies loved this game and though it revolutionized just like Halo did.

Emporius = Console Gamer

I have never heard of this game, none of my friends have ever heard of it except for one guy I know who spends hours looking through IGN, and no one I have talked to on LIVE knew anything more about it than having heard the name somewhere.
What is up with the ****ing stupid console bashing?

Nobody liked SOF Payback. I don't know where you're getting this shit.
What is up with the ****ing stupid console bashing?

Because consoles are RUINING gaming. Quantity has succeeded quality in the eyes of the publishers (I couldn't scream the word EPIC loud enough) and the best market for this is consoles. They know they can pump out mediocrity in the bushels and the console fan boys will buy it up at $60 a game. I would say (pure speculation) that the hardest core of fan boys never really got involved with PC gaming and thus have never played an actual good game in their lives. They are use to and only think that the complexity of a game never reached beyond a move, shoot, and jump button.

I bought a 360 around 18 months ago only because there was a drought of decent PC games. It is now an obvious mistake since there hasn't been any good 360 games since I bought the shitty thing and now I am going to sell it.

It was my permanent dvd player more so than a gaming console but now since I use my PC as a dvd player (Blu Ray) it serves absolutely no purpose. Not to mention the craptastic hunk of shite stopped playing games and dvds because the dvd drive quit working so I had to replace that.

I will be 100% PC fan boy shortly.

Yeah, sure, okay.

Can anybody here explain how exactly SOF Payback was ruined by its console development? Furthermore, where are "teh console fanbois" trumpeting touting this crap as revolutionary?

As if the PC is the holy grail of game platforms. Man, regularly throwing down a few thousand to keep your rig up to date and swimming through compatibility issues and crashes has to be the most rewarding and enriching experience a gamer could hope for, right? Clearly the retards who pick up their Pee-S3's and Crapbox 360's are tasteless simpletons who could hardly muster the intelligence to start a computer application. And there are no good games on consoles because no respectable and talented developer would ever make a game on such shit. I guess I must have been having a hallucination when I was playing through the old KOTOR games on my Xbox last night and was enjoying it.

Every so often I wish the PC gaming industry would collapse just so you twits could writhe and squirm in disgust. Sometimes the collective smugness of PC gamers warrants that kind of disaster it seems. I'm sure many would kill themselves if they had to choose between a console and WoW, since that's pretty much the only game the PC platform would be good for.
Every so often I wish the PC gaming industry would collapse just so you twits could writhe and squirm in disgust. Sometimes the collective smugness of PC gamers warrants that kind of disaster it seems.

And I for one would continue to be smug and just stop playing games if that happened, but I stil wouldn't buy a console period.

I'm sure many would kill themselves if they had to choose between a console and WoW, since that's pretty much the only game the PC platform would be good for.

I see... pathetc MMORPGs are the only games suitable for the PC, eh?:|
If it was up to me I would gather all MMO developers put them on a remote island somewhere and nuke them from orbit...
MMOs are one of the few powerhouses the PC platform has left.

If you're cutting yourself off from consoles, it's at your loss. There are plenty of fine, even excellent games on them. And just because you're personally willing to instead put with the hassle of gaming on a PC doesn't mean everybody who buys one is an idiot. Sometimes I don't feel like hunting down drivers, patches, and workarounds to make a game run well (or run at all). Sometimes I don't like putting up with unfixable crashes that continue for months with no resolution (looking at you TF2). Maybe I just want to pick up and play a bit instead of going through three to five load screens as I boot my PC, then Steam, then the game...

I can pick out a console game that I enjoy just as much as any PC title. I think are so steeped in anti-console attitudes that they would convince themselves they're not having fun when playing through Halo 3 coop.
Consoles aren't ruining gaming.Microtransactionssoft is.
Xbox Live has got to be one of the biggest rip offs ever.Like it wasn't enough that i have to pay for internet access as it is.If you look at Vista, it's nothing more then a platform for Xbox Live.I jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a 360 along with a HD TV.Now, it's sitting under the TV and collecting dust.
If i knew that Blue Ray would win the format wars, i would've bought a PS3 instead of the Xbox.
I can't now, because i am practically poor thanks to the **** up of a Country i live in.Anyway, exclusives these days are a rare thing.Most of the the games are either multiplatform or get ported to the PC eventually.Well,unless you consider Halo a great exclusive.Which brings me back to the topic.It's shitty games such as Halo and Payback that are encouraging developers to focus on quantity instead of quality.Am i a PC elitist?No.I started off with consoles long before i was even aware of Computers.
I just found a piece of technology that among many other things, is a better gaming platform then a console will ever be.
Right, now Microsoft is ruining gaming. All of it.
The 360 ruined PC gaming.

But it also... uh... gave birth to 360 gaming! That's good!