Softimage XSI semi-bugfix on ATI boards

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
It's been a common problem for a number of users of XSI and XSI|EXP who have ATI cards, namely the Radeon range of cards. If its a driver issue then it hasn't to my knowledge been fixed by ATI yet.

The errors. render region bounding box not appearing on drag across a viewport, and various tools would not display correctly, such as the new polygon tool during operation (making it difficult to gauge the placement of the polygon). Unless you've used the app before on a card it works correctly with, you'd not notice this. Anyway its annoying as hell, so the fix is thankfully quite simple

To quickly test if this is a problem on your machine, just press (q) and draw a box in any viewport, if you see a bounding box then it works, if you don't then the following may be of some use.

Also another more annoying error was some polygons randomly being selected instead of the ones you want to select (32bit color mode only)

There are two fixes to these

go to display option (windows) and turn down the hardware acceleration until it reads

Disable all DirectDraw and Direct3D accelerations, as well as all cursor and advanced drawing accelerations. Use this setting to correct severe problems with DirectX accelerated applications.

This will fix all the above errors.

The other fix, which works only for the polygon selection bug, is to simply drop down to 16bit color mode.


Granted neither of these fixes are great, and you gotta remember to put acceleration back to your normal setting after you've finished or other apps/games will likely refuse to work or run slowly

I've emailed Softimage a few times about these problems, when a Geforce4MX 440 can display XSI better than a top of the line ATI Radeon, I call it a problem ;)

So here's hoping they fixed it for Softimage XSI 4.0.. and if they havent, lets all bug Softmonkey on the forum until its fixed :E


Edit: oh and those guys who said XSI tutorials would be neat, should be thanked for me finding out the above worked. I was trying out an app for recording the tutorials and one of its options was to turn off hardware acceleration to smooth the recording. I simply noticed it worked suddenly