Softimage XSI Tutorials


Apr 18, 2004
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Ugh, finding tutorials for XSI is a massive pain the my ass. At least, finding good tutorials. Ed Harriss has about 5 million of them but none assume that you are a complete modeling idiot. Like me! Can anyone tell me of some good sites with tutorials for XSI. Would really appreciate it.
I'm actually interested in gun modeling if anyone knows some tutorials for that...

well, if youre a complete modelling idiot, then you might want to do the tutorials for the HL2 XSI ??

PS. thats so obvious it makes me cry
Are you talking about the Videos on the softimage site? Those don't teach you anything about modeling. They just go over what you will be able to do.
ok, fair enough, i hadnt looked at them, but there must be some around.
Thanks for the help. Can one of you guys tell me how to set the background in the viewport to a picture? Like I'm trying to model a jet. And I want the picture in there so I can get the shape right and all. Thanks.
In one of your views, select Wireframe or whatever and scroll down to Rotoscope. Click it. Set your picture.
go to sign up and there is some VTM's for XSI as well as Maya and 3DS MAX....

and im sure once HL2 SDK is out therell be VTM's for that too it really is one wicked site
You need a star to get the VTM's except for the first one.
I've been active there for a month now, still no star. ;)
So if you want it fast become a sponsor member,