SOG - A Vietnam Modification (Unannounced.. until now...) Needs Help!

Jan 13, 2004
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Greetings everyone,

Some of you may know me as the leader of Flanders Fields, a World War 1 modification for Half-Life 2, and some may know me as News Director for Planet Half-Life. I like to keep busy, so a few friends and I have decided to do something not generally known to Half-Life'ers; Vietnam.

Having the support of former members of Tour of Duty, the only successful Vietnam modification for Half-Life, as well as having an active programmer, 3 weapons modelers, 1 character modeler, 1 skinner, 1 animator, and 1 mapper, we're off to a good start, but it could be better.

About SOG
SOG (Studies & Observations Group) is a modification on the Source engine, entailing the MACV-SOV (Military Assistance Combat Vietnam - Studies & Observations Group) special forces during the latter part of the war. Players can choose either from the SOG team, or NVA (North Vietnamese Army), and will have a large array of realistically represented weapons to choose from.

SOG is based on a weapon/equipment load out system as opposed to classes. There are basic classes in place (Infantry, Officer, Support Infantry) that will open a variety of weapons and equipment available to each class. For example, Infantry will be able to carry various infantry weapons, radios (to be used by the officer for artillery), medical kits, as well as extra ammunition, side arms, grenades, and so forth. The more the player carries (to the limit dictated by the class), the slower he or she will move (again, only to a limit).

You may ask why we're not public yet, and the reason is simple. Modifications that announce with only a few unskinned renders tend to get poor publicity (judging from my time with Planet Half-Life and monitoring comments, I can assure you this is the case). We'd like to build a base before becoming open to the public, and establish ourselves.

What We Need
Now that you know a bit about us, I'll tell you just what we need to become a success. Below are the open positions on the SOG team (which right now is a lot, as the team is small), and how many we require:

  • Character Skinner (One)
  • Weapons Skinner
  • Static Prop Modeler/Unwrapper/Skinner/Compiler (Two)
  • Level Designer (Five)
  • Texture Artist (Two)
  • Programmer (One)
  • Sound Engineer (One)
  • Character Animator (One)
  • Web Designer (One)

If you have one (or more) of these talents, or would like more information, you can contact me by one of the following means:

MSN: [email protected]
AIM: jcheifphillips
ICQ: 227218071
Yahoo: chief_phillips
E-Mail: [email protected]
About damn time to see a Vietnam Mod although I have my doubts as to how suitable the source engine is for such a project
Good luck, but I too don't believe Source likes a lot of alpha channels.

I realised I haven't the time to help, but you are free to use my M16A1.
What happened to Last Great War?
Chief-Phillips said:
It died, but it was Pacific Theater WW2, not Vietnam.

Thanks Doc :)
Heh, I know, I was just trying to figure out what happened - you were involved with it, weren't you?

Anyway, this looks interesting. I'll be following it.
Chief-Phillips said:
I have decided to do something not generally known to Half-Life'ers; Vietnam.

That's not very true at all, there are a couple of mods far into development for Half-Life 2, what makes this stand out from the others other than the distinct lack of work done?

Also, what does 'having the support of former members of Tour of Duty' mean exactly?
MonkOnFire said:
That's not very true at all, there are a couple of mods far into development for Half-Life 2, what makes this stand out from the others other than the distinct lack of work done?

Also, what does 'having the support of former members of Tour of Duty' mean exactly?
I think he meant a specific part of the Vietnam Conflict (note that it was not a war, as war was never declared, so it was a police action), which is the mostly Vietnamese SOGs that performed Special Ops missions in 'Nam.
I offer my services as website designer and webmaster. It's been a while since I've submitted anything to the mod community as I've been working on more adventurous things in University.
LOOM said:
yes , its slowly faded away :(

a few of us have been contributing to
so I saw, I've been following HAJ since the website was made public. i've got very high hopes for that, considering making a commitment to contribute myself