Solaris's WTF link of the day: No stoning, Canada migrants told


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Feb 11, 2005
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Don't stone women to death, burn them or circumcise them, immigrants wishing to live in the town of Herouxville in Quebec, Canada, have been told.

The rules come in a new town council declaration on culture that Muslims have branded shocking and insulting.
Quebec is in the midst of a huge debate on integrating immigrant cultures.
Montreal police are investigating an officer who wrote a song called That's Enough Already, which says immigrants are undermining Quebec culture.

Herouxville, which has one immigrant family in its population of about 1,300, is 160km (100 miles) north-east of Montreal.
Its council published the new rules on the town's website.

"We wish to inform these new arrivals that the way of life which they abandoned when they left their countries of origin cannot be recreated here," the declaration reads.
"We consider it completely outside norms to... kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them etc."

It points out that women are allowed to drive, vote, dance and own their own homes.
The rules ban Sikh children from carrying ceremonial daggers to school, even though the Supreme Court has ruled they can.

The man behind the declaration, councillor Andre Drouin, told the National Post newspaper the rules were not racist.

"We invite people from all nationalities, all languages, all sexual orientations, whatever, to come live with us, but we want them to know ahead of time how we live," he said.

Mr Drouin said there had been a number of recent incidents of culture clashes that meant the new rules were needed.
Shocking, truly bigoted.
This just in:

Solaris Pro-Stoning


Continued on page B7.
I'd like to hear more about these 'recent incidents'. And whether or not they contained any degree of stoning, burning or circumcision.

I'm betting no.

Edit - Upon further investigation (clicking the link), no they did not. Or even a muslim.

Gogo Quebec.
If everyone stayed in their own countries people wouldnt get on each others nerves.
Also, Scotland would be more densely populated than Japan.
sharia law is banned in canada fact it's called into question the legality of many special interest religious groups (religion should banned: problem solved) ...but this is just a stupid way of getting it across to the general public ..but do you really blame people for being bigoted/ignorant? muslims are the new jews of this century: scapegoats for everything that is wrong with society ..and the general public is borderline retarded so they'll believe whatever the media/their political group spoonfeeds them

incidentily religious groups protested against the government's ban saying it was a clear violation of intereference of state in matters of faith ..****ing hypocrites didnt want their own religious arbitration affected by the ruling
"It points out that women are allowed to drive, vote, dance and own their own homes."

Now they can live almost normal lives
Well I'm glad they cleared that up. I've always been a little fuzzy on the Canadian anti stoning and circumcision laws.
I'm surprised that this is taken as so controversial.

I think every city should make a standardized list of actions that are unequivocably retarded.
"It points out that women are allowed to drive, vote, dance and own their own homes."

Now they can live almost normal lives
I laughed for a good minute after reading that, well done :cheese:
I don't see anything about rape in there.

BRB, moving
If they had problems with this before, I think it's on its place.

It's hard to say, cause I don't know what the circumstances ar like there.
I'm surprised that this is taken as so controversial.

I think every city should make a standardized list of actions that are unequivocably retarded.

Likewise...that way there are no more stupid questions about, "They lived in a society all their life where peeing on trees was normal, but now they come here it's illegal. Should we charge them with public indecency?"
It's like if a town in the USA put up a sign saying "Black people are reminded that stealing is not tolerated".
I guess it is discriminatory, because it specifically refers to immigrants.

If everyone stayed in their own countries people wouldnt get on each others nerves.

Yes, let's all become insular because we can't tolerate each other. In fact let's go back to our villages of 3000 years ago.

Also, Scotland would be more densely populated than Japan.

Not necessarily a good thing.
It's like if a town in the USA put up a sign saying "Black people are reminded that stealing is not tolerated".

No it's not, it's like putting up a sign saying that Muslims should not do certain things that they are required by their faith. The only outrage here is that they did not put up signs saying to Christians they should not follow all the moronic stuff in the bible.
No it's not, it's like putting up a sign saying that Muslims should not do certain things that they are required by their faith. The only outrage here is that they did not put up signs saying to Christians they should not follow all the moronic stuff in the bible.
Which indicates that it's biggoted.
In one thread, you're spouting how all religious people are scum and should be forcefully reeducated.

Then you post this.

-Angry Lawyer
It's like if a town in the USA put up a sign saying "Black people are reminded that stealing is not tolerated".
I don't mean to derail the thread but is anyone else seriously for a sign like this? Because I am. I've never seen a sign like this anywhere before, and maybe that's why liquor stores are always getting knocked over. Maybe people just don't realize, "DON'T STEAL FROM HERE." They've got those, "Only $20 in register after dark" signs, but that doesn't help at all.

Also, anticipating "Darkside's a racist!" reply post.
I'm not
Sure, some of the rules are absolutely retarded, but some of them aren't. For example:
The rules ban Sikh children from carrying ceremonial daggers to school, even though the Supreme Court has ruled they can.
While that may seem very racist, you just know that sooner or later, some retarded kid (Not because he's Muslim or Sikh, but because he's retarded) is going to hurt someone with that.

Apart from that, it looks like a silly reaction to Muslim families that are migrating to Quebec / Canada / Lacrosseland.
I, honestly, don't see a problem with this. The things they bring over that aren't tolerated by anybody, they aren't anybody special, they aren't going to get the treatment.
I, honestly, don't see a problem with this. The things they bring over that aren't tolerated by anybody, they aren't anybody special, they aren't going to get the treatment.
Indeed. But for some of those guys, it might look like the city has a lack of knowledge about their religion. A comparable example would be:
You're an indian who speaks English (Or French, for that matter :p) and you go to the city (Quebec/whatever). They heartily welcome you, but they do caution you that scalping and building wigwams isn't allowed here.
I, honestly, don't see a problem with this. The things they bring over that aren't tolerated by anybody, they aren't anybody special, they aren't going to get the treatment.
How would you feel if they put up a Sign saying 'White people are reminded tax benefit fraud will be punished'
How would you feel if they put up a Sign saying 'White people are reminded tax benefit fraud will be punished'

Where is it written that white people are commanded to commit benefit fraud?
How is benefit fraud even a white issue, as opposed to a universal one?

What an inane comment. Stoning is both mandated by the Islamic religion and commonplace in the Middle East.

Discounting oil, the entire Arab world exports less than tiny (and very culturally isolated) little Finland. I think that's a good case for being a little suspicious of their way of life and how it fits in with ours.
How would you feel if they put up a Sign saying 'White people are reminded tax benefit fraud will be punished'

Actually that is a pretty good idea, as a whity I don't mind it, so how about everybody else, I mean white people cheating taxes is a pretty serious problem.
I thought you had turn you back at Islam, Solaris?

Solaris sides with whatever side isn't "The Man" at the time. I.e. when Islam comes into conflict with the West, it's the West who are bad. But when Atheists come into conflict with religions, it's the religions that are bad.

-Angry Lawyer
Solaris sides with whatever side isn't "The Man" at the time. I.e. when Islam comes into conflict with the West, it's the West who are bad. But when Atheists come into conflict with religions, it's the religions that are bad.

-Angry Lawyer

You know in some parallel universe somewhere, Solaris is on the 2LifeHalf message boards bigging up the capitalist revolution.
Solaris sides with whatever side isn't "The Man" at the time. I.e. when Islam comes into conflict with the West, it's the West who are bad. But when Atheists come into conflict with religions, it's the religions that are bad.

-Angry Lawyer
Actually, my beliefs aren't set in stone and I'm always willing to change my beliefs if it appears I am wrong. On some issues I am undecided and wary (islam for example).
I don't mean to derail the thread but is anyone else seriously for a sign like this? Because I am. I've never seen a sign like this anywhere before

oh snap ^ thats awesomely racist

I think that all ethnicicties and races just get special bonus reminder posters to help them adjust to the standard laws of an area. It'll be funny as hell