Sold my current cpu, and man am I happy.

Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
I just figured I would tell you guys, I sold my computer with all the specs in sig. except the differences are: PSU:430w antec, 1 dvd+rw drive, 17"dell crt, and no hdd's included. all for $600, what do you all think, did I come out ok? I'm just going to be using the money to upgrade to a better system, as some of you might have been able to tell by my previous posts. the system is about 2 years old with an exception of the graphics card (about 4yrs old). Computer sold day after I put it on Craig's list.
Yaeee. I'm going to be upgrading.:afro:
I hope this isn't too off topic.
Haha, they could have gotten all that stuff new for 100 bucks less. You are a good salesman.
Hope grandma enjoys her new computer :D