Soldat {Who's Still Playing}


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
I know this game might be old news to some but it's a good game which is easy to get back into.

For those who do not know of Soldat, it's a cross between something like CS and Worms. A 2-D, real time action shooter.

Soldat Website

It has been asked before but... who of the HL2netters still play Soldat?

I wouldn't mind trying to frag some of you, or having a group playing now and then.
Oh man, That was a pretty good game.
It's like CS meets Tribes meets Quake.
Used to play, but the limitations of the free version annoyed me.
I still play every so often. All of my clan keep it handy as we like to have a blast every month or so.
Try loading it up with 10 bots in one Team on Stuipd AI vs yourself.
So very hecktic, but the LAW makes short work.

Would any of you guys be up for a match?
I was never into it very much. Used to play bots now and again.

Pretty good game though.
I play it rarely. Great fun though.
Search google for the SoldatUT mod for UT2004. That is some seriously pimpin' swag.
Yeah I still play now and again. Not too often these days.
Would you guys be willing to have a game or two as HL2netters?
Ooo yea I played this game at a lan like 5 months ago was great and somehow I won every game because I spammed the nades everywhere. Hehe I made the guy next to me whine :D .

Have only played it once since but i liked it alot :)
In one game they put it on "realistic" and no one exept me could control their weapons, ahh yes good thing I learned the burst fire in CS. I wouldnt mind a bit of play however im still a noob at it so i will get my ass kicked, also it would be cool if the way it finds servers on LAN was better!

Sorry if my post is weird and chaotic but its 4 am and Im actually too tired to post... NN.
I honestly haven't been playing any PC games except for one poker game since I got my DS... and, even before that, I had really slowed down to the point that whether or not I fit under the definition of "gamer" started to become hazy (this is coming from a guy who used to go to big 3-day LAN parties and leave with a grand total of less than 5 hours of sleep). My gaming days seemed like they were coming to an end. Now I'll be sitting at the computer wanting to play something, look at the list of games I have installed, release a sigh of boredom, and end up pulling out the little DS instead. I'm no longer bored. That's all that matters. So, I guess I would have to place myself in the negative regarding the question of "Who's still playing Soldat?"
Thanks for the lil' anecdote OCybrManO :).

My answer is conciderably shorter: Not me.
That's the only game I rarely play to nowadays. I've gotten tired of all other games, so I fool around in Soldat.