Soldier Of Fortune Payback Review.

Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hi fellas.

Being a hardcore fan and devoted SOF2 MP-er; I finally bought the last copy of SOF payback at my local EBGames store.

I have played the game not even halfway through the map and somewhat disappointed with it.

here's the lists of my Pros and Cons.

Installed easy.
Graphic is OK, nothing spectacular.
Weapon Feel OK.
Sound OK

No CD Key (MP will suck; hard to ban cheaters)
No PB (hard to detect cheaters)
unrealistic gore (dismembering body with pistols, too much Cool-Aid like blood)
No detailed graphic setting (Only settings to your resolution)
No mouse acceleration/smoothing settings.
No sound quality settings.
Only up to 16 men MP.
Installs as Activision value Not Activision.

Overall I gave 7/10 in SP and 0/10 MP.

Tell me your reviews please. Am I bashing or am I on the mark?
You can only change the resolution? Wtf... looks like they regressed with this one.
Well it was made by the value section of Activision, which made the "Pimp my Ride" game
Yup Activision really didn't care for this brand... They knew that a "small" group of people wanted it, so they gave it to one of their Value teams... Bound to be doomed unfortunately.
No chatting in MP. (Only who joined, who left and who killed whom)

No console available in MP or SP (No MP/SP tweaking).

You can only change the resolution? Wtf... looks like they regressed with this one.

Yep! Only changing resolution is what's available as far as graphic settings is concern.

The entire game is about 3GB. The graphic looks exceptionally nice though I can see some artifacts on trees and faraway objects (nope, its not my V-Card).

Activision did really give this game the cyanide pill. Damn! Farewell SOF.
Oh noes, I had such high hopes. :(

Fikin no health-bar, only progressive health system; COD style.

what a lame game.

I Wouldn't be surprised if SOFPB is voted for the worst game in a decade.
The last time I played a game without a CDkey was wolfenstein3D. To the best of my recollection.
Too bad. Hopefully they'll at least release a demo so I blow some limbs off, since that's all I really cared about with this game.
This game is a big steaming pile of shit.
This shouldn't even be freeware.
That's all i can really tell ya, since the OP has already provided you with the info of the games "features".Do not under any circumstances get this tripe.
I told you it was going to be shit and yet you went and bought it anyways. :|
I told you it was going to be shit and yet you went and bought it anyways. :|

According to this thread

xlucidx said:
Killing terrorists never gets old.

But a nice change of pace is this time it's in the Middle-East and has an advanced gore system.

xlucidx said:
Although, if anything... it looks like it'll be fun as hell to play.
Just ignore the Soldier of Fortune branding.

Change of heart? :P
I told you it was going to be shit and yet you went and bought it anyways. :|

Yeah, go ahead and beat me with it. Start your "I told you so" dance.

If (God for bit) HL is stopped being developed and 6yrs down the road; a studio called Valve-Value starts developing a game called HL Payback, would you buy it? regardless of any advice?

It is the devotion that counts.

Same here.
Yeah, go ahead and beat me with it. Start your "I told you so" dance.

If (God for bit) HL is stopped being developed and 6yrs down the road; a studio called Valve-Value starts developing a game called HL Payback, would you buy it? regardless of any advice?

It is the devotion that counts.

Same here.

No, because I'm not even that big of a fan of Half-Life.

Plus, the videos of Payback were enough to tell me that it was a half-assed piss poor excuse of a sequel.
No, because I'm not even that big of a fan of Half-Life.

Plus, the videos of Payback were enough to tell me that it was a half-assed piss poor excuse of a sequel.

You're in need of reasoning, you so utterly lack.

Don't ignore my point so to get yours across.

DP isn't cool either.

Take care.
...Yeah well, your mother! :O

Jesus! What are you, A freaking 4yrs old?

"Your mother" was the best you comeback with?

I'm sorry for saying that you lack the ability to reason, I was wrong.
Lemme rephrase what I said; You lack the basic ability to think and discuss matters decently, therefore, you are neither intelligent nor stupid. You are a schmuck. :|

7577 he posts and "Your mother" is the best he comes back with. What the ...

Take Care.
Jesus! What are you, A freaking 4yrs old?

"Your mother" was the best you comeback with?

I'm sorry for saying that you lack the ability to reason, I was wrong.
Lemme rephrase what I said; You lack the basic ability to think and discuss matters decently, therefore, you are neither intelligent nor stupid. You are a schmuck. :|

Take Care.

Humor and sarcasm really aren't detectable online. :|
I'm not trying come up with a comeback, hell, I don't even realize why you're getting so hostile.

It's not my fault you bought a budget title game expecting it to be the same gore tastic game that its predecessors were.

Oh and, you are not your post count.
I told you it was going to be shit and yet you went and bought it anyways. :|


At least they didn't use the title "Soldier of Fortune 3" I hope that's reserved for a proper non-budget Raven software developed sequel - with realistic gore and next-gen graphics. Sounds like they REALLY murdered the MP - tis a sad day indeed.

No chatting / console? Are you ****ing kidding me? What a slap to the face to all those who made the SoFII community strong, thanks Activision.

At least they didn't use the title "Soldier of Fortune 3" I hope that's reserved for a proper non-budget Raven software developed sequel - with realistic gore and next-gen graphics. Sounds like they REALLY murdered the MP - tis a sad day indeed.

No chatting / console? Are you ****ing kidding me? What a slap to the face to all those who made the SoFII community strong, thanks Activision.

This game looks so much like console everyday. All the options that are missing; I think the game was originally developed for console then ported for PC. I will look into that.

Just like everyone else whose complaining; I did choose to ignore all the red flags out there, when this game was announced; the non-existent demo, too few to count SS and couple of trailers, not to mention, the short notice and the word 'value" attached to it, the release date being so close to COD4 in matter of days.

I'll admit; my naiveness got the better side of me, and I blindly bought this game in manner of disregard. Hoping that there will be "The Good Surprise" of the decade; that Activision may leash upon the entire SOF fans, something to thank for.

I mean; its almost Christmas, you just don't betray your fans like that on Christmas. It's like selling crap wrapped with gold to your devoted regulars on Christmas/Thanksgiving.

However one would like to slice it (As far as SOF franchise is concern); this game did carry the name SOF. Whether it is, or isn't SOF3 would seem silly to ask IMO; specially when published by the same company which published the other 2 SOF. I see this as betrayal rather than confusion on my part.

Another example would be; selling crappy game under the name Quake or RTCW. The name SOF should be reserved.

The Name SOF is damaged by its own creator. Maybe that was the intention all along. who knows.

Take Care.

[edit] I just found this; when sprinting you cannot turn or shoot. Also, when you are close enough to a wall your gun will turn to the left but you can fire straight without seeing the muscle-flash. The most f!@#cked up thing I ever saw in PC and Console. [/edit]
It's hard for me to be very sympathetic in your case, you bought the game knowing very well it probably would be terrible =/.
you bought the game knowing very well it probably would be terrible =/.

I very much bought this game, knowingly; it could probably be terrible but, the flipside of the coin determined the opposite.

It's hard for me to be very sympathetic in your case,

I did now ask for sympathy.

Matter of fact the game is rather joyful; once you get used to it.