Soldiers: Heroes of World War II


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
You guys HAVE to try this demo. Its awesome! The controls are VERY hard to learn since much if it is guesswork and trial and error since it doesnt have a configure page for the demo, but once you learn it, its amazing fun. Fully deformable terrain and destructable buildings/terrain. I witness this all first hand in the demo, and its amazingly impressive. Give it a shot, or 20 times through if need be, but you'll see the magic. This will make for a great game. One month from release, so this will be my game definately until half-life 2 and rome: total war will come out.

Tell me what you guys think! Trust me, its well worth the download.
I enjoyed the demo, but how did you beat it? I always died on the second wave of tanks.

Also, I don't think the terrain is deformable at all. I believe it was just decals. The destructable buildings are quite cool though.
Seemed cool, a little laggy when it came to destroying buildings though.
However, that could just be my aging 1400 mhz :(
I wish I could have moved my tank more though, running out of fuel so fast is kind of frustrating.
Its destructable. Its not OVERWHELMINGLY so. But the terrain deforms. If you blast a bunch of HE shells at the ground, it'll deform.
OMG, has anyone used the Nebelwerfer rocket launcher thingamybob?

That thing rips everythin apart. I managed to sneak up and kill the guys controlling it, then I bazookaed the armoured cars in the rear. Took over the Nebelwerfer and just for fun shot it at two enemy tanks. They were obliterated :LOL: . This demo is so fun and addictive( if I didn't know any better I'd swear it was crack). If the full game is anything like this demo then I'll definitely have to think about picking it up. This could be a good game to pass the time 'til HL2 or other big games come out.
does anyone want to share the controls with me? lol im finding it hard as hell. i get killed all the time, and the reinforcements(2 soldiers) dont help much. how do u set the tank mines?
Repair the german tanks using the repair kit in the sherman. You can amass a rather large army :)
Isn't this the game that was described as a big box of toy soldiers?

If so, I'm in :)
I've ordered the full game, should be here by tuesday (I hope).

The demo was really cool :D

The difficulty of the game is said to be very high, and for you who played the demo, it made the demo look easy.
But I think that's a good thing, at least you can save this time.

Neutrino said:
I enjoyed the demo, but how did you beat it? I always died on the second wave of tanks.

Also, I don't think the terrain is deformable at all. I believe it was just decals. The destructable buildings are quite cool though.

The terrain is deformable, you can make craters.
how do u use the repair kit? sorry, its just theres not tutorial on how to play this game, hope there is one with the full game, orderd mine from 17.99 :D its like 35 in stores :borg: also there is -->CO-OP<-- mp, how cool is that!
Yeah the co-op mp is supposed to be really cool. Too bad it's only direct connect to ip only (no browser for mp games) and you can't save in a mission.
Hopefully, there will be a patch for this.

You use the repairkit by looking in a tank with X (your cursos becomes an eye) and then you drag the repairkit into your soldier's hands (it can only be carried in the hand, can't be put into inventory) and then your cursos becomes two gears when you hover over a vehicle that can be repaired and then just click on it.

Really cool is to repair a vehicle with its turret blown off, then you just have a 40.000 kg car :cool:

And there will be tutorials in the final game, at least that's what one of the devs said.

A screenie from the demo I just made:
(if you're wondering, this shot is from a mod for the demo that lets you play the map you see in the menuscreen with the destroyed Tiger)
Got the full game and apart for some control issues it's a shed load of fun. So many ways to advance through a level, not to mention the fun of stealing your army. :)
Yeah I got the full game last Thursay(even though it was meant to be released on friday :E ). The ability to save does make things a little easier, but it is still a very challenging game. I'm playing through the UK missions first and they seem to have a sort of commandos feel to them, not the all out action of the demo. Not that that is a bad thing, a little variety doesn't hurt it one bit. I'm very much enjoying this game, it's definitely the sleeper hit of the year so far for me. I didn't even know anything about the game until I tried out the demo.

I think the key to beating the demo is to get the colonel out as fast as possible. That way you don't have to worry about the nebelwerfer making you fail your mission. Also I found that disabling and repairing the big german tank that comes in the second wave(after about 9 minutes) is particularly handy as that thing comes loaded with fuel (so you don't have to worry about running out) and it also kicks ass against most other tanks in that mission IMO.

My only negative points are the fiddly control scheme( I'm waiting for the ability to remap keys which is supposed to be in the first patch, to make life a little easier for me) and the sometimes vague mission objectives. Not enough to ruin the game for me.
I've been playing it in ernest for the last couple of days and it rules. Its not the most polished game you will ever play, but it is so much fun. Compulsory for the tacticians on these forums.