

Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
According to gamestop (who is never right) Soldner is coming out on Feb 2nd, anyone gonna pick it up? I might Im not sure, best to wait for reviews..Ive wasted too much money on games that I ended up hating so eh...
Hell yesh! I have been looking foward to this game forever. I doubt Feb 2nd though. The beta hasn't even started and a beta was promised before the game. If it is true I need ten more dollars. Think a mix between BF 1942 and CS, with ragdoll physics and amazingly destructable environments.:D
Umm i doubt its coming feb 2nd. I would think sometime in march. If its feb 2nd, its like 5 days away and it didnt go gold yet. Im pretty sure they didndt even finish beta testing yet. Its gonna be one helluva game tho.
OMG FEB 2ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I've seen previews who speak positively of the game, but the early version DID have a lot of major issues to fix. I hope it won't go like OFP, which had potential to be the best game ever, but imho never truely succeeded because of small annoyances and bugs.
Soldner had especially bad performance, still slowing down on a 3 GHz P4.
But it has great potential, especially the character and logo editting will rock. But I'm not sure of the way shooting will feel, from what I've seen, it looks rather unrealistic.
Alright, we know it's comings. Who is gonna be the first to compare this game to HL2?

I havn't heard much about this game, just a little snippet from a magazine.
for some reason this game never really hit me as a must by. its kinda ugly resolution wise, the destruction of buildings/trees seems lika bland or repetative and 32 players. vehicles and the map is cool, but i just dont know, im gonna have to read like 5 good reviews b4 i buy this puppy.
I don't know about you guys, but i saw a vid on for it, and it looked totally the vid the shadows were all screwed (i.e. flickering badly, switching angles) , the textures looked crap and the animations were and a buddy just sat there laughing at how sad it looked. Check out that vid, then tell me what you think.
KiNG said:
for some reason this game never really hit me as a must by. its kinda ugly resolution wise, the destruction of buildings/trees seems lika bland or repetative and 32 players. vehicles and the map is cool, but i just dont know, im gonna have to read like 5 good reviews b4 i buy this puppy.

There will be "world servers" where registered clans will play. Each clan will own a territory, and there will be over 1000 ppl per server.
Personally I think it could be a great game, OFP was one of the best ever (At least they fixed *most* annoyances. Just like Half Life, MP was unplayable in the beginning, lol... They fixed that though)

But I fear it will be a letdown, looking at these images;

Sure, OFP wasnt exactly high detail, but it had a CRAPLOAD better vehicles! Take special note of the shot with a dude and a helicopter beside him. I didnt know a helo interior was built with boxes :|
If its anything slower than OFP, its a pretty big failure...