Solo r46


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello, I have been modelling a Sniper Rifle (Solo r46) for it is about 2100 triangles and took me about 6 hours to model. I am not really sure with it tbh, I don't really like it much. I might change it a bit but kinda need some ideas. I am hoping someone can help me with this. if you do by any chance think of any ways to make it look better could you use your uber paint skills to show me :D

Anyway here it is:


nice work man :D, looks like the stock's a bit square though [unless ur saving polies]
ops, I just noticed. I forgot to smooth group the clip, hehehe. O well.
Ye I was making one, but I suck at it and got really bored LOL!

Also I just made up the scope, I don 't even think its going to be on the gun when finished because each person has a cybernetic eye and doesn't need a scope.
Also I just made up the scope, I don 't even think its going to be on the gun when finished because each person has a cybernetic eye and doesn't need a scope

Good poly saving idea!
nice model m8.
Not sure i i would personaly like to shoot it, Looking at the Stock, 1 Round squeezed off from this m8 and youll lose your coller bone and sholder joint ;)

Like your modle style m8 rely refreshing.
first things first, as usual its a very nice model...and now to answering your questions :p

heres the original concept for reference...

now, the first thing i saw as wrong was the silencer. holy schmoly, its huge ( and heavy ), and it looks like...the tank off a super soaker :p.

next, when i first saw the concept, i imagined the forehand grip / bipod to be a cylinder or 'pill' shape ( like in the Extended Primitives of Max ), whereas this one is quite sharp on the bottom, atleast smooth that off. maybe the whole gun needs to be wider to do this, which i was going to suggest separately.

yes the scope does look rather...blah and Pendragon said :rolleyes:. i can see the kind of thing the concept is going for, maybe more like the FN 2000 you did earlier. for that, i think the gun definitely needs to be wider.

and lastly, the front area ( above the front grip, after the scope ) is boring, maybe make it rounder then add two strips sticking out with a gap in between, like extended sights. i dunno, something simple enough it wont take up a load of polies but cool enough to liven it up...if you get what im saying.

anyways, hope this helps you out, cause im really looking forward to Corporate Anarchy.

PS. isnt it supposed to be 'deaf-mutes' in your sig :dork: :thumbs:
ye, I actually had a more updated image refrence compared to that one which hasn't been published.

To answer your questions:

The back will not been seen and has no detail because it will not be seen, I will show you a first person picture later when I can be assed to render and save it :P

The scope I kinda made up to see what it would look lik, my team leader asked me to not add one at all since I said the scope on the concept I had was a bit like urrr. So I just added that, it will proberly be remodeled near the top

Ye I agree the back of the model is a bit boring, I am not happy with the model really. I might have to change things around a bit.

Thanks for the th/f thingy. I need to change my sig :P