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Single player:
You are Sorel von Schrover, heir apperent to the king of Jarvesia. When you were nine, a large group(over 500) of travelers asked permission to stay in there kindom. Being the generus type King he let them in, granted only for a small amount of time an account of winter was almost upon them and his kindom could not dpare the food, although they had meny farms, they could not supply the entire country, vast as it was. Meny of the farms in the east were still manly man operated and had bearly any machines! So the travalers agreed and for a while there was no trouble. As the days turned to week and the weeks to months the King began to worry. Not long after he satrted worrying, word came that there were riots breaking out all over the south east. At first it didn't seem like much so riot squads wew send to quash the riots, but there fury had intensified by the time the riot squads were at the scene. The crowds had aquired fire arms, and were using them. Soon it became a full rebellion. Then the "travelers" revield their true colours. They were the ones behind the revolt, wanting to dispose of the king and put up a peasent-ruled goverment in his stead. Unfortuneatly, disguised as there earthly belongings, they had smuggled in large somes of weapons, enough to get them started. After the first two days they had taken hundreds of factorys, and they loyalist army was overwhelmed. The king was exiquted on his throne, his family sent to work in factorys, for what they now called "Mother Jarvesia". Ten years later, the populess realizes their folly. Every one has been put to work in meanial labour, the "elections" are rigged so only those who were in the origianal ban that entered Jarvesia ten years ago could win. Thus the flames of rebellion were kindelled. You, Sorel von Schrover are sought out by a faction to aid them in there quest to rid the Jarvesian soil of the Nabournists, as the "travelers" call them selves. After weeks of thinking you agree, and immidialtly you are swept away in events, you are a beaken of hope to your people. Thousends flock to aid your faction, Kaiserreborn. In the traditianal manner, you are called upon to fight. So, while battles are raging around you, you learn quickly startigys and tactics as well as all other skills the special forces can teach you, you are now ready to frre your people.

This is the story that is ofr single player, in multie-player you will take the role of either:
A normal soldier ir Special forces, if you choose Kaiserreborn.
If you choose to play for the Nabourists, you can be a normal soldier or a member of the suppresision squad

Single player:
You will be the leader of a four-man team, (including your self) you will be able to issue them orders and if possible they will carry them out. You can either push a button and select your order (in the same manner you would yell something in some of the HL mods) or you can use voice commands. (I don't know if that would be too hard for coders, but I hope it could be done.) You would have an objetive to compleate each level (wich would have five or six maps) ranging any where from planting explosives to captureing enemy officials and bringing them to an extaction point. I hope I m not forgetting any thing... oh, its a first person shooter in case you were woundering.

Special forces and Suppresion squad:
The Special forces would be deployed in four man teams, and the suppersion squads in five man teams, (this is because the suppresion squad has slightly worse equipment, most of the factorys being liberated by the Kaiserreborn) each choosing from an array of weapons (which will be detailed in the weapons section of this post) they feel they use best. They will have a talk channel for themselvs that no one out side of their fire team can hear, not even regular army on their side. Even when all talk is on only their fire team will be able to hear, but they will also have the option of talking to every one on their team, army and special forces alike. The weapons they may choose from are signifecently better then that of the regular army.

Regular army:
The regullar army will have far less cohesion than the Special forces and suppresion squads, and do not have the option to choose to be a sniper class. This of coars leads to the next segment, they choose clases, which I have worked out to be even. The classes are: Rifle ( bolt-action ten shot for the KR, and seven shot semi-auto for the N) Sub-machine gun, and Assault rifle. There can only be half the number of Sub machine guns as there are Rifles, and One quarter for Assault rifles.

The suprise:
There will be an element of magic in this game, unless I decide it makes it too crappy and take it out, but only the Special forces can use it. On account of all magic users are killed by the N's. The magic users are a race known as the Lyrens (lie-rens) which, at first glace look like Humans, but live (unless killed) twice as long, and have half the ageing of humans. Magic can be used to cast (invisible) shields on freindly players, guide bullets and heal (not compleatly) freindly players. There will be limeted MP though.

Special forces and Suppresion squad weapons:
Since I already told you the regular army weapons here are these.

Special forces: Sniper rifle, Assault Rifle, Shot gun, Submachine gun, pistole, mini-submachine gun, and akimbo pistoles.

Suppresion squad:
Assault rifle, Sniper rifle, Submachine gun, Pistole, shot gun and Shiel&Betton.

Sorry about the sepelling, but I do not have time to go over it. Right now we need coders, player modelers, weapon modeller and skinners, if you are interested, send an e-mail to I will post the site address when we have it done, but for now we are woking on it. Feel free to ask any questions.

Here is some concept art:
Special forces:


Assault Rifle:
Wellcome and good luck, by the way, it's ;)
Is there an edit button?

And what do you think about the mod? If you get some critques in now it could influence the mod so now is the time to speak up!