Somali pirates seize oil tanker


Mar 16, 2007
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Once again, the Somali Pirates strike. I think the Suez Canal is going to go out of commission soon if this continues.

The hijacking follows a string of increasingly brazen attacks by Somali pirates in recent months, but this appeared to be the first time they have seized an oil tanker. While most of the hijackings have taken place in the Gulf of Aden, which separates Somalia from Yemen, the Saudi tanker was seized hundreds of miles to the south in a vast stretch of open ocean as the tanker headed toward the Cape of Good Hope.

?It is the first attack of its kind in which such a big vessel has been hijacked so far away from the coast,? said Cyrus Mody, the manager of the International Maritime Bureau, a London-based group that monitors global piracy. ?It shows that the pirates now have the capability and capacity to sustain themselves in deep sea until the vessel actually comes by.?

If the episode follows the pattern of previous hijackings, ransom negotiations between the pirates and the owners of the ship will begin soon.
I think the best way to deal with this, for future prospects, would be to bomb the oil tanker. Just to state an example that they won't negotiate, as much as it would cost. Might reduce the numbers of these attempts.

Still, real pirates are ****ing awesome
I think the best way to deal with this, for future prospects, would be to bomb the oil tanker. Just to state an example that they won't negotiate, as much as it would cost. Might reduce the numbers of these attempts.

Still, real pirates are ****ing awesome

aha ... and what about the crew , the 100 million worth of oil , the surrounding environment and ecosystem ...
I've heard about like 3 Somolian pirate attacks within the last year so far..

Pirates are coming back!

Ninja's are still cooler.

Just to state an example that they won't negotiate, as much as it would cost.
Setting the example of simply not paying the ransoms would achieve the same thing surely :P That and hiring security for important shipments if the problem is genuinely that bad.
Thank goodness I know now what to do, thanks to Pirates, Vikings and Knights II.

*Becomes archer*
Get the SAS on their asses.

It's crazy, the whole region is surrounded with warships, and they have been able to seize up to 15 large ships so far, and they are making millions through ransoms.

Then again, they are armed with RPGs and AKs, and have speedboats with machine gun turrets, and gps navigation, or so I heard on the news.

This will all make a cool movie one day..when the pirates are all killed, or Somalia is bombed.."Iraqed"..or something
Didn't large ship have those sound guns (proper name?) or something to incapacitate human ability to properly work at long range, and permenently deafen at short range?
This upsurge in Pirate activity is surely a good thing, as it will reverse the current trend of global warming.
That doesn't make sense. Global warming has nothing to do with oil, it's all about the number of pirates. Are you a non-believer?
my dad is a deep sea diver in nigeria(different place,same shit not as bad). early this year
his boat was chased by rebels for about a kilometre, they shot at him and everything.
i told him to buy a gun but the company he works for (chevron-texaco or something) wont let them.
and the nigerian soldiers supposed to guard them have a tendency to throw their guns overboard and
surrender at the first sign of pirates/rebels.

as to somalia, i think they should just let the US and whatnot fire at pirates on sight.
Is a group of pirates holding oil to ransom just incredibly ironic to me only, or is it just poetic justice?
If only ninjas returned...they would take care of these pirates...

Of course, then we would have the ninjas themselves to take care of.
That doesn't make sense. Global warming has nothing to do with oil, it's all about the number of pirates. Are you a non-believer?

don't reference stupid shit like that
don't reference stupid shit like that


But there's a ****ing graph and everything!
Kill them with Fire!!

Oh wait, that would probably be bad D:
All this Somalia news crap is making me want to watch Black Hawk Down and play the Deta Force game of the same title. :imu:
All this Somalia news crap is making me want to watch Black Hawk Down and play the Deta Force game of the same title. :imu:


Why dont they just put some broadside cannons on these bitches like in the old pirate days?
It's time to call in the Mockingbird.
aha ... and what about the crew , the 100 million worth of oil , the surrounding environment and ecosystem ...

God, speaks volumes of modern western society that when your talking about pirates and shit, concern for the flippin' environment comes into play eventually.

But as a point, have you seen Somalia?, its hardly what one would consider a verdant paradise worthy of protection.

It also saddens me that you got asll these navies with a presence in this anti-pirate task force and they cant just shoot the ****ers out of Posidon's realm because of their human rights or it might make Bambi cvry or some stupid coddled dumbshit PC opinion that only the lazy fat and dettached from reality western politicians could concoct.

They are pirates, and while pirates are awesome, you should be frozen in inaction due to fear induced paralysis, peeing down your leg in sheer terror at their awesome, not because your government and society are a punch of apologist pussies.