Some babies....


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I wasjust playing on a very small populated 64 player size Zatar..and since it was a small bunch of people. the USMC had all the flags, with the chopper, raping the poor MEC. So I realize, teh jets are doing a shitty job. I spawn, and realize the jets there...and I have time to run from teh middle of the spawn, into the jet,a nd take off, before the orignal pilot had moved. First thing I do? Take ou the heli for the first time *sigh*

Anyway, I die, and the previous pilot is chillin. So I dance with him, getting his attention. Jet spawns, i break for it, greab it take off..he starts nading me. The convo is great.

"I hate it when people do that.."
"Throw grenades at your jet?"
"Steal my jet."
"I had it last..newb."
"I was waiting patiently blah blah blah."
I tell him he was AFK, he says he was NEVER AFK and was ALWAYS waiting so he called me a 10 year if that wasn't funny enough, I then blew up his jet when he was in it. So he sat under mine, etc etc the usual stuff. He then said "I've been flying for the past 6 rounds.."
"Let someone else have a chance *ERYX jet again*"
He leaves...then I figure, I was done, so I left. I bet I just made him go to bed..muwahah
I hate idiots like that, strutting around like the jet is theirs, and theirs alone, and who tk others who dare get in their precious jet.
Personally, I think a car on the runway is the solution for these fools.
I was playing on daquing and the commander of our team was sitting in the gunner seat of teh plane. One dude who wasnt in a squad and therefore wasnt getting any commands thought that he wasnt doing his job because he was in a jet (although he was). So when we died and spawned he drove an AA thingy on the airfield and jumped out, i tried to blow it up form the pilots seat but couldnt because it wasnt high enough, (the dude had jumpped out when i started shooting) so he lol'd, ran back to his AA, then the commander fired on of the laser guided missles at the AA and tked the dude and it was just funny...
CrazyJeepDriver said:
I hate idiots like that, strutting around like the jet is theirs, and theirs alone, and who tk others who dare get in their precious jet.
Personally, I think a car on the runway is the solution for these fools.
he was like..3 and 5. then he had a negative score after tking me those times.

AHh, justice.