Some computerstore clerks are going to get a good beating.....


Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
.....because im pissed off!

Okay, heres the story: The 5'th of jan i ordered my new HIS Radeon 9800 Pro IceQ from (danish supplier, site is in danish)
they were supose to have it in stock the 10'th jan but guess what i got now, an email, normally good news... but no, turns out the bastards woundt have it in stock untill the god damned 18'th..... 18'th feb!!!!! that's 5 weeks; waiting five weeks for something i should have gotten with 1? that's screwed up! :flame:

i was really disapointed , they usualy have great service.

i feel complete and utterly screwed over, i havent checked if they've drawn the money out of my account yet. But if they have....... ill gonna open up a can of whoopass.
Another problem is that though im able to cancel the purchass, i probably can't even buy it anywhere else because the places who take the card i use are limited :(

im pretty sure this is illegal if they have drawn the money already, because i purchased the product under diffrent circumstances and they should then cancelled the purchass (if they have had drawn the money, which i currently have no idea if they have!)

:( thanks for letting me bitch to you guys.
Hmm bitching thread :D, just spam them with moans and they will suffer greatly. I suggest you write it in 7 different fonts of red :O
lol u dont even know if they have taken the money and your already beign a little bitch, you have issues
So what are the policies there in your country? They may get away with it if there's nothing protecting you as a consumer from fradulent stuff like that.
damn misleading titles.

i was expecting to hear a story about a computerstore clerk, and something to do with stupidity, not some random kid bitching about some random comp site :(
He bitchs about them doing something wrong...then a bunch of people come in the thread and bitch at him for bitching.

I love it.
I think it's general practice here for a company to bill you once the order is ready to ship.

If they're charging you before they order it in, I'd wonder how they manage their purchasing.
Well the card is nice , I have the same one :), but its not nice that you have to wait 5 weeks :(
what the hell is with you guys calling me a little bitch for sharing my daily troubles with you? show some ****ing respect for once. I worked my ass off to earn the money for this video card! this might not be the biggest problem in the world right now, but it matters to me... ! jesus, that's just too low bashing me like a piniata just for sharing with you.
Well it was a bit of a pointless thread, tbh I cant think of a sensible reply to this thread at all. What do want us to say "oh poor you" thread ends... :D You know im right
Fat Tony! said:
Well it was a bit of a pointless thread, tbh I cant think of a sensible reply to this thread at all. What do want us to say "oh poor you" thread ends... :D You know im right
lol... yeah, im a dreamer i supose... but still calling me a little bitch is low :hmph:

anyway i supose this thread can be closed as it will only build into a giant flame/spam/trolling piece of garbage!

(Sorry for posting this then but i WAS hoping for some understanding replies to make me feel a bit better about it all)