Some Half-Life 2 Avatars.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score

Had a bit of time to spare and was in a Half-life making type mood after watching the video(s) So whiped up a few avatars for anyone who might fancy using 'em.

<- example.
Hey, those are really nice...I might use one if I can stand to use someone else's avatar. ;)
simple, but very effective. i like them- but i couldnt bring myself to use someone esles art when i can make my own.
Awesome stuff, man! I'm thinking about changing my avatar, you really inspired me with those shots (Bah can't use someone elses stuff :D )
CrazyHarij said:
Awesome stuff, man! I'm thinking about changing my avatar, you really inspired me with those shots (Bah can't use someone elses stuff :D )
nooo! i have only just got used to ur hordon freeman av. keep the blue dude!!!
I agree with Suicide (the person not the act ;) )

it's lame to steal someone else's work...I'm always amazed on how some people create their own cool avatars. For old avatar for Return to castle wolfenstein was a photo of a Gi-Joe doll with a big "E" for engineer pasted onto his forehead

one of the best I've seen was this avatar some guy made of him wearing a paper bag over his head, and it's on fire with a crudely drawn "surprised look" on the paper bag, heh I laugh just thinking about it
Nice avatars! I may change mine in the future, I'm sick of the yellow bar... and stuff.
I will not change mine but I hav one funny

I can post it?
bahh I will
My Avantar just owns all tbh, I lvoe it so much :D