Some of my photos


May 22, 2003
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Hey folks... i think this forum is a great idea, so i thought i'd contribute. I just went through my digital photo albums and picked out 8 photos out of about 3,000. What do you think?
I dunno why, but the 1st one looks liek CG am I going :dork: or something or it's just the so adv tech from nowadays...

I recognize the building in the 1st one, San Francisco right? I remember it has a very well done anti-quake tech inside that little "tryangle" thing in the top.
my faves are #1 and #7... photo brochure quality!
Very nice work bro-- Try messing with these in Photoshop. I could see some nice things being done with the first one and the snowy one with sepia tones or some color correction here and there. Rockin good photos, tho.
First one's from a plane descending into Houston TX at about 10 in the morning... so sorry, Sprafa, not San Francisco. I'll go find some more pics.
Brazooka said:
Very very nice, post some more!!!

your wish is my command :)
added a couple the have been lightly manipulated. I'm a retoucher by profession, so i generally do some retouching in every image i take. I see it as i'm making the image i want. who cares what the CCD of my camera saw?
Wow, the first one is awesome, what place is that? And the second one is almost 3d. Instead oi doing retouching as profession, you should be doing photographing and retouching as profession... hey, but that's just me. I kept some pics, hope u don't mind...
Everyone of the ones in cities is in Houston?

I meant the 3rd one I recognized the building (the big white one), my mistake.
Sprafa said:
Everyone of the ones in cities is in Houston?

I meant the 3rd one I recognized the building (the big white one), my mistake.

thanks for the kind words, everyone. as to the locations, i'm kind of all over the place. the triangular building in the third photo is in new york city. the second photo is new york as well. i's a pretty unique part of the skyline here. The archway with the tree is in mexico, the doorway with the light shining through is an abandoned barn in rural new york, some of the photos are from texas... there's probably a few places i'm forgetting.
Spiffae said:
First one's from a plane descending into Houston TX at about 10 in the morning... so sorry, Sprafa, not San Francisco. I'll go find some more pics.

what the heck, i've lived in houston since i was born and i didn't notice that. sheesh! time to go look outside and see what it looks like...... :eek:

[edit] looked at the pics again... not in downtown. ok, i feel a little better :cheese: and we have pretty sunrises from all our pollution, heh