Some people just need to be shot on sight


Oct 14, 2003
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So, I've been living in Louisiana for little over 3 years now. Those of you who haven't had the pleasure of living in the south after living somewhere else should know that southern drivers have a sterling reputation for being the WORST DRIVERS IN THE WORLD.

However, today I saw something that took the cake for the stupidest, most inconsiderate driver I've seen yet.

First a little scenery:

This is a bird's eye view of the intersection I will be talking about. There is a main road with a crossing street, with a light controlling the traffic. So, I pull up to the light, and I hear someone literally leaning on their horn... so I look over, expecting to see an accident or something with someone knocked out cold leaning on their horn. Nope.

I see this guy in his late-40s to mid 50's in a teal pickup truck with a big american flag decal in the back window in the middle of the road, not going anywhere. He's past the light by now, and there's nobody in front of him, and he's blocking the traffic trying to turn on the main road from the crossroad. I watch him for a minute to see if he's having engine trouble, but he didn't seem to be trying to restart his truck. I think to myself that there must be some logical explanation and Mr Horn Happy back there is just being a jerk...

BUT THEN: The guy in the truck pulls out a TOBACCO PIPE and starts lighting it. STILL sitting in the middle of the road. Seriously... what the ****? Then he just sits there for another minute, smoking his pipe before he finally floors it and screeches off.

Some people just need to be shot on sight.
No kiding I flew down to a few months ago and barrowed my moms car. I was headed to a Golf Corse to play 18 holes and out of the mist comes a old granni! She about hit me and she did not here my horn! But she finally saw me and move out of my way.
best thread ever. I hate stupid people...also inconcederate people
yea I love the people that pass in the turning lane as well
I still think Northern Virginia has the worst drivers in the world... but I could be wrong.

Seriously, it should be legal to kill idiots, just so they don;t breed and beget more idiots
Icarusintel said:
I still think Northern Virginia has the worst drivers in the world... but I could be wrong.

Yea...getting through Fredericksburg in the evening is a b!@#%
Unfortunantly, the kids of stupid people can be smart. And vice-versa.
No joke... Tell me all about it. I live in Texas, and literally, one out of every two vehicles is a pickup. Now, I own a pickup, but I realize that it is a TRUCK, and take the nessicary precautions. It seems like no one realizes that there are reasons why not just anyone can go out and drive a semi-tractor, different vehicles have different responsibilites. So when you're driving a truck, you need to realize that it's a truck is generally HUGE, takes longer to brake, and is NOT a speedy little coupe. I agree. I'm compleatly sick of people pretending like their truck will fit in a handbag, and if not, everyone else should pretend like it does too. Bah.